Have you begun to notice a theme? The daily habits and themes I share on the Integrated Being blog and podcast can really be summed up as the mind, body, and soul… interconnected. From discussing the importance of what we put on, what we put in, and what we have around our bodies to leveraging the power of the present moment, we continue to grow in the knowledge of how all of this is integrated to create a happy, fulfilling life. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am going to break this down into 3 simple steps to connect, embody, and act in alignment with your highest self.
4 Tips to Achieve Better Focus in Life
Are you trying to accomplish a goal that requires your full attention? As we transition to a more regular pace of life & find our footing in a post-pandemic world, it’s easy to feel pulled in many different directions. From going in to work or working from home to sending children back to school again soon, our focus is a powerful tool we can harness during this transitional time to bring a greater sense of joy and peace to our lives. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am talking about how to keep your focus on achieving your goals while creating a flow in life that brings the greatest sense of joy. From moments of setting intentions to handling distractions, let’s get focused and bring a greater sense of presence to your everyday life.
3 Steps to Reset & Reach Your Goals
Did you know that I read every book recommended to or given to me as a gift? As an electrical engineer, a wife, a mother of 6, and a wellness advocate, I find myself in a time of stepping back and reassessing my life in various areas. I was recently gifted a book called The Refounder after speaking at the Pittsburgh Technology Council about power grid modernization. This book is based on a Pittsburgh company and a point in the founder’s life where he, too, was stepping back and reassess his life and career. Chances are you are at this point in life your life in some capacity where you are looking to step back and assess some specific area of your life. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 steps to reset and reach your goals. We are all integrated mind, body, and spirit & it can be beneficial to take seasonal breaks to step back, reassess, and move forward with renewed energy and focus to reach our biggest dreams and goals.
5 Sleep Tips to Keep Your Brain Healthy
Did you know the average brain weighs as much as 10 lbs?! The amount of data a brain can store is equal to roughly 1 million gigabytes. With 86 billion neurons in the brain & 1000 connections per neuron, it’s important that we are giving our brains proper rest. We know the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected, but we may not realize the unhealthy sleep habits that have crept into our lives. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 5 sleep tips to keep your brain healthy. Let’s get a quick reminder that sleep habits matter & learn ways to start logging the right amount of zzz’s, so we can find a flow of life that allows us to get enough sleep to wake up feeling refreshed!
3 Ways to Show Gratitude for Your Body (Especially During a Time of Transition)
Have you taken a moment of gratitude today? A few recent life events have served as a beautiful reminder of how grateful I am for my body, especially during moments of illness, sadness, and transition. We are living in a time of rushing and must-do’s that invade our everyday cultural environment, and we don’t always hear our bodies telling us to slow down and be present. When we get sick or receive an unexpected diagnosis or lose a loved one (even a family pet), this time of transition can serve as a catalyst for growing in deeper gratitude for ours bodies that give us the ability to experience this life each day. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing 3 ways that you can show gratitude for your body, especially if you are in a time of transition.
3 Things the Pandemic Taught Us About Better Work + Life
Does work life balance really exist… or is it more of a blend? If you’ve listened to my podcast, you know that I don’t prescribe to the idea of work life “balance” but I find the concept of work life “harmony” a better description for the joy & peace we all seek to find among our personal and professional lives. The pandemic brought a huge shift in the way that we work and live and some of the proverbial walls it broke down between our personal lives and our work lives have taught us a few things about achieving better work life balance. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing 3 things that pandemic can teach us about achieving better work life balance and blending our personal and professional lives together in a way that bring more purpose and joy to the everyday.
How to Trust & Let Go of Control During Times of Chaos
How do we let go & trust within the chaos going on around us? There’s this idea that we can only control how we respond to what happens to us rather than controlling what happens around us, but it can be a challenge to accept this truth and learn how to let go and really surrender. As we all adjust to this new normal after the past few years, it’s important for us to take the time to step back from the busyness of life and really ask ourselves if we are showing up as the best version of ourselves for those around us. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing 7 ways that I deepen my trust within myself so that I can extend that trust to those around me & begin to feel at peace with the world around me as I continually learn, grow, and become the best version of myself.
2 Ways to Use Bullet Journaling to Create Healthier Habits
How do you create the space & awareness to do all of the things that bring you joy? They say that the organ that uses the most energy is your brain. We are constantly making decisions all day long & we can utilize this decision-making power to bring about more joy in our everyday lives. Journaling is one of the most effective ways to recognize the habits that are negatively affecting your life so that you can use the process of crowding out to replace them with more positive habits that bring you joy. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 2 ways to use bullet journaling to create healthier habits this year!
7 Benefits of Daily Bullet Journaling for Beginners
Have you ever started the daily practice of journaling just to end up with notebooks full of blank pages? As I was making my lists & checking them twice this holiday season, I realized that the trending topic of bullet journaling (which has been the method I’ve used for years) has helped me stay consistent with the daily practice of journaling. Journaling has been a key factor in bringing awareness to my daily intentions & creating a life that brings me joy. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 7 benefits of daily bullet journaling for beginners (& tips for making it a fun part of your day rather than just another thing on your to-do list!)
3 Tips to Declutter Your Life for a New Year
Do you feel stuck in a personal or professional rut - maybe it’s time to declutter your life? I’m happy to be back with regular blog & podcast episodes again after a short break. I had been feeling stuck in a creative rut lately & unable to connect the dots as to why I felt this way. I took this time to declutter my life - mentally, physically and all other possible ways to help me find that pep in my step again. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 3 simple tips to declutter your life for this new season ahead, especially if you’re feeling stuck in a personal or professional rut.
How to Find Joy During Difficult Seasons of Life (& Stop Looking for the Easy Way Out)
If we keep searching for ways to make life easier, we’ll be disappointed. It’s no secret that life can be full of challenging times & difficult seasons, but what do we do when difficult seasons seem to last longer than we anticipated they would? Rather than looking for the easy way out of these challenging seasons, we need to shift our focus from looking at the daily struggles as problems to be solved and instead embrace them as opportunities to learn, grow, & find moments of joy in each day. In today’s blog post, I‘m sharing 3 ways to stop looking for the easy way out & how to embrace moments of joy during difficult seasons instead.
How to Use Emotional Energy to Find Better Harmony in Your Life
Did you know that our thoughts, words, and feelings can be influenced by the vibrational energy around us? For your body’s cells to function optimally, your thoughts, words, and feelings need to be in harmony with your body. This is more than just “a think positive” type of philosophy but cultivating kind & positive thoughts is a key factor in using emotional energy to achieve better harmony & happiness in your life. If you’re feeling frazzled, stressed, or experiencing feelings of shame or guilt, then this blog post & podcast episode is for you. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing simple ways to become aware of how emotional energy is impacting your overall health & how to use it to achieve better harmony & happiness in your life.
3 Simple Ways to Eliminate Endocrine Disruptors to Increase Energy Levels
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi As a thriving electrical engineer, a devoted wife, and a joyful mother to 6 beautiful children, I felt a calling while studying for my doctorate in electrical engineering to also purpose my passion for health & wellness at the same time. After becoming a certified health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I began to share my knowledge of the power of food, the power of mindset, and how to live an integrated life on this blog & podcast. I’m so thankful to have you tuning in & learning alongside me today. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 3 simple tips to eliminate endocrine disruptors to increase your energy levels. Allow me to put my health coach hat on for a while & let’s learn together…
How to Be a Force for Change in a Divisive World
The human condition isn’t a competition… it’s an experience. One thing that I’ve always connected to & believed is that life is about the experience. It’s the small, seemingly simple moments that we can find joy in and we have the power to intentionally chose to live this joy-filled life every day. We have the power to set our lives up intentionally to find these simple moments & create more of them by taking purposeful action every day the brings deeper awareness to our Inner Guide. This allows us to live from a place of self-awareness & ultimately love. In today’s blog & podcast, I’m going to share the perspective shifts you need to make to be a force for change in a divisive world through living from a place of joy & love.
3 Self Care Tips to Use Journaling to Improve Your Emotional Health
Let’s talk about the power of journaling & the power of writing things down... I’ve been practicing the self-care habit of daily journaling consistently for the past 7 years. Some of you may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of having to journal every single day, and that’s okay. When it comes to journaling for self-care, there is no right or wrong way to do it. In today’s blog & video episode, I’m going to share 3 practical tips to begin the self care practice of using journaling to better process your emotional health & improve your overall wellbeing.
How to Compartmentalize Your Life as a Multi Passionate Person
Playing the many roles that we all play in our lives, we can sometimes find that limiting effects of our time & energy pulling us in different directions... In order to live happy & healthy lives that feel balanced & joyful, we must find time to optimize how we approach our daily to-do’s, so we can find effective ways to be a solution-focused problem solver and do it with joy in our hearts. Let’s find creative ways to avoid burnout and overwhelm by being very intentional with our time & energy by setting aside time to regularly reflect upon each day in order to catapult us forward in the direction of our biggest goals & dreams. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into how to compartmentalize your life as a multi passionate person in order to achieve those big goals you’ve set for yourself while maintaining a sense of true joy & peace.
5 Tips for Overcoming Fear that Is Showing Up As Repressed Anger
“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist… fear is a choice.” -Will Smith, movie quote Fear, anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration… as a society, we’ve compartmentalized these as negative emotions to be avoided. These not-so-pleasant emotions tend to show up in our lives in a cyclical pattern. Fear is a very powerful emotion that can shed light on how to create lasting, positive changes in our lives. If we start connecting with those emotions again & understanding our triggers, there is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel. We can gain deeper insight into what is triggering these negative emotions & begin altering these cyclical patterns in our lives through proper awareness. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into this idea of awareness & processing of our negative emotions, and harnessing the power of fear and using it as a motivator for positive change in our lives.
5 Tips for Overcoming Fear that Is Showing Up As Repressed Anger
We’ve been raised to believe we were simply “born” a certain way, but there is a great power to be found in embracing a growth mindset & realizing that you have the capability to turn into those negative feelings & start approaching your life in a new way. Here are 5 tips for harnessing the power of fear as a powerful motivator for positive change.
#1 Name the Fear (Or Anger) & Why You Are Upset
This may seem challenging at first, but the more you begin to tap into these emotions you will start to see the patterns at play in your life. Begin the process of naming your fear or anger & rooting out the reasons and thoughts that are causing this fear or anger.
#2 Ask Yourself The Question: “What Am I Afraid of?”
Ask yourself this question to gain deeper insight into your emotions - especially the negative emotions.
#3 Worst Case Scenario
Play out the worst-case scenario and allow yourself the time & save to do so without judgement or second-guessing.
#4 Best Case Scenario
Then, play out the best-case scenario & intentionally allow yourself the time & space to process these emotions in contrast to the worst-case scenario.
#5 Take An Action to Overcome The Fear & Turn It Off
Finally, use this knowledge & insight you’ve gained to propel you into action. Remember, emotions are “energy in motion” so if you want to change your emotions you must be into action and get your body and midnmoving in a new direction.
Listen to the Podcast BELOW:
Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at how to use your fear as an indication to disrupt cyclical negative thoughts & propel you into lasting, positive change for the future.
Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.
xo, Lizzie
PS Can you can tell me which Will Smith movie the movie quote from the intro paragraph above is from? Email me!
Is Wellness Coaching right for you?
The 12-Week"Roadmap to Conquer Stress 101” Wellness Coaching Program is perfect for you if…
Do you feel like you’re on the hamster wheel and nothing gets done?
Do you want more time and energy?
This 12-Week Online Course + 1:1 Coaching Program will change your life.
In Roadmap to Conquering Stress 101: Quickly Cut Through the Excuses So You Can Get Your Life Together can help you:
create more structured days and weeks to achieve your BIG GOALS in less time
prioritize your health (healthy foods/moving the body) & finally feel MORE ENERGY
thrive in the MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS most important to you while maintaining your self-care
I will provide guidance, encouragement, and hold you accountable to your word. Since most of this program will occur outside of our sessions, the results are up to you, but I will be with you every step of the way!
Inside the program, you will get:
>> Weekly video uploads & email support from Elizabeth
>> 5-10 minute weekly workbook exercises to help you gain insight & clarity
>> 3 monthly 1:1 LIVE coaching sessions with Elizabeth to keep you accountable & troubleshoot your progress
If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be the perfect time to begin working with a Wellness Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Wellness Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what wellness coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a FREE 15 min chat to learn more & see if wellness coaching might be a good fit for YOU!
How to Connect with People in a Post Covid World
How do we deal with the loneliness we might feel reentering the world after covid shutdowns? It may seem strange to talk about loneliness after covid shutdowns when we are now surrounded by more and more people on a daily basis. Throughout my life, I’ve had the feeling of loneliness in a crowded room come up again & again - even as a mom of 6 children & as a woman whose family all lives within 15 minutes of her & celebrates big family occasions often. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into this topic of experiencing loneliness & how to connect with people in a post covid world.
3 Tips for Finding Balance in How to Be Authentic in Life & Work
What does authenticity look like for you? Sometimes the people closest to us can strike the closest to our hearts when they share their honest feedback and opinions. Recently, my older brother made a comment about how the calm & collected photos of me sitting on my front porch sipping coffee didn’t look and feel authentic to who he knows me to be with a home full of love & chaos as I raise a family of 6 children. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m going to dive deeper into this topic of authenticity and how my brother’s comment made me re-think how I share about my personal life within my career.
3 Easy Ways to Move Your Body Everyday to Exercise & Change Your Mind
Do you move your body everyday? Your body loves movement! The impact of moving our body is something we are all familiar with hearing on an almost daily basis. Whether it’s 20 minutes per day of body weight movements or a lunchtime walk, we all know we should be moving our bodies more… but how do we begin? In today’s blog post & video episode, I’m sharing 3 easy ways to move your body to exercise and change your mind. Use these 3 quick tips to begin moving your body everyday and challenge yourself to stick to a simple routine. Soon you’ll see both the physical and mental health benefits are more than worth it!