Integrated Being Workshops
My workshops will help increase productivity, decrease absenteeism, reduce the need for medical care, and increase employees’ desire to live a healthier lifestyle. The most successful companies know they save money (and retain good people) if they provide wellness education and lifestyle support for their employees.
Health insurance costs continue to rise and both employers and employees are burdened with the expense. Studies suggest that preventative health and wellness programs help lower insurance costs, increase productivity, decrease absenteeism, reduce the need for medical care and increase the employees’ desire to live a healthy lifestyle.
Stress Management Made Simple
As a Health Coach, my workshop will educate employees on how to write goals, eliminate multitasking, create structure, and take actions towards living a more balanced life.
Healthy Eating at Work
As a Health Coach, my workshop will educate employees on how to improve their health, choose food, and take actions towards living a more balanced life.
Immune Health
As a Health Coach, my workshop will educate employees on their making small changes in their daily habit to promote the health of various body systems, therefore supporting your immune system overall.*
Natural Solutions
As a Health Coach, my workshop will educate employees on choosing clean products and the importance of educating others i in keeping ourselves, family, and friends healthy!*
*The immune system is their first line of defense against environmental threats. The health of other systems in the body affect the health of your immune system.
**Several years ago, the EWG and The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics came together to test 17 well-known perfumes for undisclosed ingredients and found that each perfume had approximately 14 hidden chemicals 10 of the 14 are associated with allergies and asthma 12 of the 14 are associated with hormone disruption, including diethyl phthalate (linked to sperm damage) and musk ketone (found to accumulate in fat tissue and be passed through breast milk). It is sad how under-regulated the personal care industry is. Europe bands about 1,400 ingredients from products and Canada bands about 600. Here in the US the government only bans 30!