My Story


I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was the youngest of three and the baby girl to our family. My father was a CFO of a Fortune 500 company, and my mother was a nurse. They both worked throughout my childhood.

My parents and my two older brothers were, and continue to be, my rocks. I loved school from an early age; I was the only sibling my parents enrolled in preschool, as my mom told me I was trying to do my brothers’ homework from a very early age. I am a life learner.

My mother made magic from the mundane. While many of my peers’ fondest childhood memories are of vacations and extraordinary events, mine are of walks to the park, sitting silently in the forest, and watching sunsets in the backyard. My mother made these moments memorable and special; her unique perspective of considering every moment as a gift has shaped me into the woman I am today.

I found my childhood friends early in my school years, and they continue to be my friends today. My dad always believed in me and helped guide me. I fondly remember him taking me to a construction site when I was twelve. Dad pointed to a group of men with construction boots and hard hats and stated, “If you get your engineering degree, you can be the boss of this big site.” I don’t remember wanting to be a boss, but I do remember the sincerity of my dad telling me I could be whatever I wanted.

As my brothers and I grew older, he frequently reminded us that being an engineer was the way to go and that a degree would allow us to open doors and pay the bills.

Now, at 42, I am a vice president of an electric utility membership organization. I drive initiatives in electric energy innovation and operational excellence, work closely with technical committees and member companies, and direct projects as we lead through the energy transformation of our time. After defending my dissertation fairly quickly, I was contented and motivated to be the change I wanted to see in the world. I have found my true space for joy by educating and helping others.

While working full-time and following a calling to be an activist for holistic health, I pursued a certificate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), where I learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and everything in between regarding the power of mindset and being a self-advocate for my health. I have brought this knowledge into my personal and professional life and have found great joy in my efforts.

I am married to my best friend and I have six beautiful children, ages 23 down to 6, and we are thriving.

My family has all of me, and so does my career. Sure, there is always a stack of dishes to be washed, but there are plenty of hands to help. I have also been blessed with many beautiful beings who have cared for, helped, and supported our very busy and active home. My goal is to identify where I can be fully present with my children while delegating and leading by example, asking for help when needed, and always knowing it takes a village to raise secure, stable, and safe children. Pursuing my passions has allowed me to create the best environment for success.

The key is finding harmony within oneself. This means knowing when to work from home, how to juggle schedules, and when it’s time for self-care, time with friends, or quiet moments.

I firmly believe these things are possible for anyone willing to put in the effort, and that’s why I started Integrated Being.

The Beauty of Mindfulness

A close friend of mine has two kids and works. She’s frazzled—and understandably so. That’s a lot to take on. She constantly says she does not have time for the things she wants to do most. Her biggest dreams, ambitions, and even hobbies are being set aside as she tries to get through the day.

Perhaps you feel like my friend. I’m sure we all have felt overwhelmed and frazzled, but I’m here to encourage you to step back and analyze how you spend your time. Instead of allowing the hustle and bustle to rule the day, we need to stop. We need a plan. We need to structure our lives so that we can be present for all that we have in front of us.

My hope for you is that you can live a fulfilling life while juggling career and family or whatever your commitments may be.

What do I actually do?

  • I provide the tools and mindset to make positive and lasting changes in their lives.

  • I offer services to working parents that will finally cut through the “self-help” noise, and start to enjoy their lives.

  • I also provide guidance and mentoring by selling Doterra Essential oils. I believe that these are the tools that will create sustainable changes and improve your overall health and happiness.