"Don't be afraid to try new things." In an increasingly chaotic world, one thing has become clear: trust is in short supply. Whether in industries like energy, technology, or even our personal lives, distrust has created roadblocks to progress, innovation, and meaningful connections. But amidst the noise and uncertainty, there is hope—and it lies in rediscovering creativity, fostering trust, and finding purpose. In today’s podcast and blog post, let’s explore how to reclaim creativity by building trust and navigating the chaos of daily life.
Embracing the Term "Philosophy": A Love for Wisdom and Life Learning
What are your New Year’s goals? As the New Year unfolds, many of us reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. But have you ever paused to explore the philosophy behind those intentions? Philosophy isn’t just for scholars; it’s about the love of wisdom and how we integrate that wisdom into our daily lives. My approach to wellness focuses on unlocking joy and creating purposeful connections between the mind, body, and spirit. In today’s blog & podcast episode, let’s dive into what embracing philosophy as a way of life looks like.
Ending the Year with Joy, Connection, and Reflection
As the end of the year approaches, we find ourselves in a whirlwind of emotions, activities… & let’s be honest, a little overconsumption. It’s a time of reflection, celebration, and connection, but it can also be an overwhelming season. This year, I’m leaning into simplifying and reconnecting with what truly matters—joy, intentionality, and presence. This week on the Integrated Being Podcast, my co-host Brianna and I discuss tips for ending the year with joy, connection, & reflection. Regardless of your current state of overwhelm, this episode will give you actionable steps and helpful little reminders to savor the moment and bring more peace to your holiday season.
The Power of Community and Tradition: Building Connections That Last
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel disconnected. As we rush from one task to the next, we often lose sight of the importance of meaningful connections. Community and tradition—two fundamental aspects of human experience—are powerful tools that not only ground us but also enrich our lives with purpose and joy.
This week on the Integrated Being Podcast, my co-host Brianna and I explored how community and tradition shape our well-being. Whether you're navigating the complexities of adulthood, building a family, or rediscovering yourself after major life transitions, the bonds we create and the rituals we uphold play a vital role in finding balance and fulfillment.
5 Ways Mindful Speech Can Enhance Our Communication & Connection
The only thing we truly have & own are our words. I’ve recently grown in my understanding and appreciation for embracing the gravitas of the gift this platform has been in my life to share wisdom from my own life experiences and cultivate a growth-minded community. The ability to share information is more readily accessible in this digital age and with this ability comes a great responsibility to understand the evolution of language and its powerful potential to connect us. While I share the essence of living a life grounded in love, connection, and mindful intention, it’s important to note that sometimes our words can fail to capture the full scope of meaning we’re trying to convey. This is especially true when it comes to complex subject matter such as love, truth, and spirituality. Today on the blog & podcast, we are going to dive into the evolution of language and explore 5 truths of how mindful speech can enhance our communication and connection.
3 Action Steps for Successfully Forming New Habits
Studies show it takes up to 21 days to form a new habit, but how we think about a habit is just as important as the habit itself. We are going to explore the process of creating lasting habits in just 21 days, while also diving into the mental side of habit formation. While the 21-day time frame can vary from person to person, oftentimes the real challenge of forming new habits is how we think about the new action. There is more to habit formation than simply doing something repeatedly. One of the biggest challenges we face is our internal dialogue—those thoughts that arise when we start something new. In this podcast episode & blog post, we will explore three key action steps to help you implement lasting habits in 21 days, drawing insights from books like “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “Don’t Believe Everything You Think” by Joseph Nguyen.
3 Truths For Honoring All Parts of Who You Are
“Transitions are not just about doing more. They're about doing what matters." As we transition from summer into fall, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose the true sense of joy in who we are with endless to-do lists and jam-packed schedules of activities. Transitional seasons are an opportunity to learn how to show up for ourselves from a space of awareness where you fill yourself up with intentionality and spill over onto others with a greater energy vibe such as love. When we honor all parts of who we are, we create a safe space for those around us to learn how to peacefully and harmoniously evolve through life’s constant changes in a way that has a lasting positive impact on the community and society around us. Today on the blog & podcast, let’s dive deeper into 3 truths for honoring all parts of who you are during seasonal transitions and changes.
5 Ways to Balance Contentment and Ambition
“The realization of success comes from within.” After we achieve the basic necessities according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I have found the universal desire to connect to a higher power and spiritual realm. A quest for success is often inexplicably wrapped up in a grappling with questions about what it means to achieve. Success is deeply personal and varies from one individual to another, and I don’t believe we speak of this concept enough. In today’s blog & podcast, let’s dive into the innate desire we have for achieving success and seeking rest while hopefully finding a sense of contentment and joy along the way.
5 Ways Daily Journaling Sparks Creativity & Brings Clarity to Your Life
“Journaling can be the game changer.” Journaling is a powerful tool for gaining clarity in life. From the importance of self-awareness to stress reduction and problem-solving, journaling can enhance our creativity and improve memory while bringing clarity to our lives in new ways. I realize I come from a place of abundance and seek to share my perspective on the benefits journaling has brought to my life, even if that perspective is imperfect. Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore how journaling can bring clarity to our lives and aid in processing our emotions.
5 Ways to Embrace Continuous Learning as a Lifestyle
"A big part of finding your joy is truly identifying what you want in life." Integrated Being is a space where I share about finding your joy & the habits that you can use to create an intentional life. Whether it's the value of setting goals, choosing the right resources, or scheduling time in your day to learn, we dive into ways of applying knowledge and reflecting and adjusting along the way. The power of continuous learning is an integral habit & its power is found in fostering personal growth and setting yourself up for success. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I share my continuous learning journey and 5 ways to embrace continuous learning as a lifestyle.
Why You Need to Get Outdoors Every Day (5 Steps to Make It Happen)
Did you know there are major health benefits to getting outdoors every day? Whether it’s a lush forest, a serene local park, or your garden, nature has a way of calming our minds and restoring our bodies. Some studies show that being in nature can lower your cortisol levels, the stress hormone in the body. If we live with elevated cortisol levels from daily stresses and don’t actively find ways to decrease these levels daily, we are contributing to the inflammatory load in our bodies that can lead to various health issues over time. Being in nature doesn’t always have to be a bright, sunny day. Simply being exposed to daylight first thing in the morning, even on an overcast day, helps regulate our circadian rhythms to optimize better sleep patterns. Beauty can be found in all types of weather once you commit to getting outside every day. Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore the benefits of nature and how to make it a priority in your everyday life.
8 Ways to Foster Joy & Connection in Life (Regardless of Your Circumstances)
The last 6 months have triggered a lot of change for myself and my family. As I’ve shared these changes with my community, I’ve been asked a series of similar questions, all wondering how I've managed to stay grounded amidst the changes and find joy and connection throughout the journey. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 8 ways I’ve fostered joy and found a connection in life, regardless of the changing circumstances. Within 5 days I changed my job and bought a new home because I was able to stay aligned with my values and develop the continual awareness to see when things needed to be changed. The 8 ways listed below will create a lifestyle that aligns yourself with your ambitions and equips you to tackle the challenges that life brings in your path.
“Rejection is Protection” (3 Practical Steps)
Have you ever made this observation? One of my favorite coaches, Gabby Bernstein, commented recently that, “Rejection is protection.” This reminded me of the idea that our yes’s and immersed within a sea of no’s. So often when we see a door close, we find on the other side that it was steering us towards something better. Have you ever made this observation? If you are not uncomfortable, you are not growing. The mindset of rejection is protection enables us to see rejection not as a failure or setback but rather as a form of guidance. Rather than seeing life as winning and losing, we can see it as winning and learning, while still making room for the emotional heaviness that can come from various forms of rejection. Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore this idea of rejection and how to use it as a tool to foster personal growth.
3 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Needs This Year
What’s your purpose? As we navigate the end of another year, I want to reflect upon the power of identifying the value of your work, especially around the art of gifting to others. In a world where the value of work is often qualified in monetary terms, it’s important to step back and see the value in your broader impact of the creative work you do. It’s been a season of change for me and I’ve been deep diving into where my vision and goals take me while bringing clarity to what motivates me to find and bring joy to those around me.
Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 4 steps to recognize the value of your work beyond the tangible effects to see the greater impact around you. Beyond enhancing personal fulfillment, bringing awareness to the value of your work will impact how you engage with others. It can lead to creating a life that blends your work and personal lives in such a way that maximizes your ability to experience and give joy to those around you.
4 Steps to Recognize the Value of Your Work
What’s your purpose? As we navigate the end of another year, I want to reflect upon the power of identifying the value of your work, especially around the art of gifting to others. In a world where the value of work is often qualified in monetary terms, it’s important to step back and see the value in your broader impact of the creative work you do. It’s been a season of change for me and I’ve been deep diving into where my vision and goals take me while bringing clarity to what motivates me to find and bring joy to those around me.
Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 4 steps to recognize the value of your work beyond the tangible effects to see the greater impact around you. Beyond enhancing personal fulfillment, bringing awareness to the value of your work will impact how you engage with others. It can lead to creating a life that blends your work and personal lives in such a way that maximizes your ability to experience and give joy to those around you.
4 Keys to Embracing Change & The Art of Transitioning (Even When You Didn’t Expect It)
Life has a way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect them. We make plans and set goals and create dreams and sometimes things don’t go as planned. It can be fascinating to realize how quickly things can change, but when doors close the right actions and mindset can open new, beautiful doors.
Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore the art of transitioning and 4 keys to embracing change even when you didn’t expect it.
4 Practical Steps to Improve Your Mental Health By Supporting Your Gut Microbiome
“We are what we eat” We are what we put in, on, and around our bodies. As we head into the upcoming season full of celebrations full of food and oftentimes sugary sweets, I am reminded of how fall is the perfect time to reassess our health and harness the power of the profound connection between our gut and our mind. The way the food industry has evolved over the last 50 years can make eating a whole foods diet more challenging. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 4 practical steps to improve your mental health by supporting your gut microbiome this season.
How to Rebuild Trust That Has Been Broken (In Any Relationship)
What does trust mean to you? I consistently show up on the blog and podcast to delve into the interconnection between mind, body, & spirit. I share various ways we can tap into our joy and our best selves in order to show up, connect, and live holistically. Across all areas of my life as a mother, wife, and electrical engineer, I have seen the impact and importance of healthy relationships. Relationships bring deeper meaning and fulfillment to our lives. Trust is the invisible thread of relationships that binds us all together, but what do you do when that trust is broken? Sometimes in a society that likes to make things overly complex, we can easily lose the ability to connect with each other in a safe space. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 5 tips for how to rebuild the trust that has been broken. Whether in a personal, familial, or business relationship, these steps will help to bring clarity in moving forward and rebuilding the relationship one step at a time.
5 Tips to Overcome Boredom & Find Fulfillment in Your Life
How can managing our energy (rather than our time) help us lead happier lives? The idea of harnessing the power of energy management to unlock your full potential has been a focus of mine recently, especially as we transition into the summer months. In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s often been emphasized to shift our focus from time management to energy management as the key to success in recent years. This new perspective in the literature on energy management, rather than old theories of time management, allows us to attain personal growth and productivity as we focus on harnessing and managing our physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 4 action steps for better energy management so that you can find more joy in your life, as well as 3 influential books I’ve enjoyed reading in this area of personal growth.
4 Action Steps for Better Energy Management
How can managing our energy (rather than our time) help us lead happier lives? The idea of harnessing the power of energy management to unlock your full potential has been a focus of mine recently, especially as we transition into the summer months. In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s often been emphasized to shift our focus from time management to energy management as the key to success in recent years. This new perspective in the literature on energy management, rather than old theories of time management, allows us to attain personal growth and productivity as we focus on harnessing and managing our physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 4 action steps for better energy management so that you can find more joy in your life, as well as 3 influential books I’ve enjoyed reading in this area of personal growth.