How to Use Emotional Energy to Find Better Harmony in Your Life

Did you know that our thoughts, words, and feelings can be influenced by the vibrational energy around us? For your body’s cells to function optimally, your thoughts, words, and feelings need to be in harmony with your body. This is more than just “a think positive” type of philosophy but cultivating kind & positive thoughts is a key factor in using emotional energy to achieve better harmony & happiness in your life. If you’re feeling frazzled, stressed, or experiencing feelings of shame or guilt, then this blog post & podcast episode is for you. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing simple ways to become aware of how emotional energy is impacting your overall health & how to use it to achieve better harmony & happiness in your life.

How to Use Emotional Energy to Find Better Harmony in Your Life

Vibrant Emotions

When you are in a place of passion & excitement, there is a certain vibrancy in your emotional energy that opens the door for other people to join you. On the other hand, when you’re experiencing anger, jealousy, resentment, or guilt, that contributes to an imbalance in your physical being. If you continue to carry these emotions and their emotional energy in your body for a prolonged period of time without releasing them, they will begin to come out in physical ailments.

Have You Ever Noticed?

Have you ever sensed when you walk into the room & you can feel the energy of the room? You either feel the positive, attractive energy of those people who “light up a room” & invite you into their world of joyful, positive light or you can feel the people who are scared and afraid and the heaviness of these emotions.

Energy Is Everywhere

As you go from the awareness of the emotional place you are in right now to riding the upward spiral of finding your joy -- with the knowledge of your true freedom - you will begin to feel the higher vibrations of the positive emotions of joy, light, and love. On the contrary, you can find yourself spiraling downward when experiencing those heavier, lower-level vibrational frequencies from anger, guilt, shame, or resentment. Becoming aware of these different feelings, and the words and thoughts that lead you into these 2 varying levels of vibrational energy is key in finding better harmony in your life.

Take time to assess your emotions throughout the day & identify the emotions that took you higher (& lower) on the scale of vibrational frequencies. For example, when we eat whole foods that are grown from the earth, we will experience higher vibrational frequency from consuming that energy that comes from that wholesome food.

Quick Tips to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

  • Research a scale of vibration frequencies to become more aware of the different emotions that are linked with each level

  • Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people

  • Spend time in nature

  • Eat organic, whole foods

  • Free your mind by moving your body & practicing meditation

  • Practice gratitude for the things in your life

  • Nurture positive, kind, and inspiring thoughts

Listen to the Podcast Episode BELOW:

Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at using emotional energy to find better harmony in your life!

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie

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