3 Simple Ways to Eliminate Endocrine Disruptors to Increase Energy Levels

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi As a thriving electrical engineer, a devoted wife, and a joyful mother to 6 beautiful children, I felt a calling while studying for my doctorate in electrical engineering to also purpose my passion for health & wellness at the same time. After becoming a certified health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I began to share my knowledge of the power of food, the power of mindset, and how to live an integrated life on this blog & podcast. I’m so thankful to have you tuning in & learning alongside me today. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing 3 simple tips to eliminate endocrine disruptors to increase your energy levels. Allow me to put my health coach hat on for a while & let’s learn together…

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3 Simple Ways to Eliminate Endocrine Disruptors to Increase Energy Levels

The Endocrine System

Did you know that men & women have different lengths of time for their energy cycles? A women’s cycle lasts 28 days, while a man’s cycle only lasts 24 hours. This is why most research studies are performed with male subjects due to this difference. Women’s health hasn’t been given the proper attention it deserves over the years & I’m hopeful for all of the continued research that is happening right now.

Hormones affect every aspect of your body’s function. The endocrine system is the collection of glands that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproductive function, sleep, and mood. These hormones include adrenaline, cortisol, melatonin, insulin, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone. These hormones send messages throughout the body 24/7 and they are all interconnected.

Do You Have Hormonal Symptoms:

  • Are you exhausted from being stretched too thin for too long?

  • Are you unsatisfied with your ability to excel at work & connect at home?

  • Are you too busy & gaining weight?

  • Are you sleeping poorly?

  • Are you overwhelmed because everyone seems to want all of you all of the time?

3 Things to Consider for Endocrine Health:

#1 Eating healthy foods that fuel your body

Start by being intentional about what improves your health based upon your bio-individuality. You can begin by eating whole foods & paying attention to what makes your body feel more energized.

Check out these previous blog posts on healthy eating: 3 Steps To Start Eating More Whole Foods (& Why It Will Make You Happier) - 5 Tips To Improve Gut Health & Boost Your Immune System Naturally - Gut Health: What Is Your Microbiome? (Probiotics Vs Prebiotics)

#2 Exercise & move your body

Find what connects with you personally and makes you feel good.

Check out these previous blog posts on exercise: 3 Easy Ways To Move Your Body Everyday To Exercise & Change Your Mind - How To Find The Right Workout Routine For You

#3 Reduce your toxic load

Start by becoming familiar with reading labels and paying closer attention to how chemicals are affecting your overall health & mood. Check out these previous blog posts on reducing toxic load: 3 Easy Steps To Detox Your Home For Cleaner Air & Better Health

Listen to the Podcast Episode BELOW:

Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at hormonal health & improving your energy levels!

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie

Is Wellness Coaching right for you?

The 12-Week"Roadmap to Conquer Stress 101” Wellness Coaching Program is perfect for you if…

Do you feel like you’re on the hamster wheel and nothing gets done? 

Do you want more time and energy? 

This 12-Week Online Course + 1:1 Coaching Program will change your life. 

In Roadmap to Conquering Stress 101: Quickly Cut Through the Excuses So You Can Get Your Life Together can help you:

  • create more structured days and weeks to achieve your BIG GOALS in less time

  • prioritize your health (healthy foods/moving the body) & finally feel MORE ENERGY

  • thrive in the MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS most important to you while maintaining your self-care

I will provide guidance, encouragement, and hold you accountable to your word. Since most of this program will occur outside of our sessions, the results are up to you, but I will be with you every step of the way!

Inside the program, you will get:

>> Weekly video uploads & email support from Elizabeth

>> 5-10 minute weekly workbook exercises to help you gain insight & clarity

>> 3 monthly 1:1 LIVE coaching sessions with Elizabeth to keep you accountable & troubleshoot your progress

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be the perfect time to begin working with a Wellness Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Wellness Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what wellness coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a FREE 15 min chat to learn more & see if wellness coaching might be a good fit for YOU!