How to Be Happier Everyday (In 3 Easy Steps)

What makes you smile? Laugh? Go giddy with glee? Get happier with my magic formula & recipe … For some, it’s a walk barefoot through the grass. For another, it’s a spin on a roller coaster, a solo movie date, or a perfectly ripe mango.  

So… when was the last time you did something that makes you happy? If it’s been a while, consider this: Happiness lowers stress levels, increases immune system function, and lowers your risk of disease. It also makes life easier. Here are 3 easy steps to starting being happier every day!

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How to Be Happier Everyday (In 3 Easy Steps)


My magic formula for daily pleasure is simple doing one pleasurable thing per day (or more!)… This is the most powerful antidote for gray, boring, or stressful days. Try these 3 easy steps to get started & boost your level of happiness right away!

STEP #1 Make an “I love” list.

Make an “I love” list and list everything that you enjoy—nothing is too small or too large. If you enjoy it, get it on the list. 

STEP #2 Take a look at how you spend your days & decide when you could fit in a little pleasure.

Take a look at how you spend your days. When could you fit in a little pleasure? Perhaps you could leave the office at lunch to walk in the park? Maybe you could play your favorite music while doing the dishes? Book yourself a massage this weekend? 

STEP #3 Repeat daily.

Repeat this process daily — or more often, as needed. 


Mango Cream Recipe

To get you started down the road of pleasure, give this luscious mango cream recipe a try this week!

 Prep Time: 10 minutes - Serves 4 


  1. 1 mango, peeled and diced 

  2. 1/4 cup orange juice 

  3. 1 tablespoon lemon juice 

  4. 1 tablespoon agave nectar (optional) 

  5. 1 cup organic whipping cream or carton of soft tofu or large ripe banana 


  1. Process first 4 ingredients in a blender. 

  2. Blend for 1 minute, or until pureed. 

  3. Pour puree into a medium bowl. 

  4. Beat whipping cream at medium speed with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. If using tofu or banana whir in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy. 

  5. Fold whipped cream or tofu or banana into mango puree, using a knife to swirl in a marbled effect. 


xo, Lizzie

Is Life Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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