The Quickstart Guide to The Candida Diet (+ How It Can Heal Your Gut Issues)

Developing meaningful relationships takes attention, kindness and respect.

The conversation around dieting has changed, and for the better. No matter your goals – to lose weight, to tone up or to just feel better – the focus has shifted to internal health, rather than external appearance. That’s why you may have heard so much about gut health. If you have a healthy gut, you’re a healthier you. Microbes, or the bacteria found in the gut, give you energy, clean out toxins in your body and fend off illnesses. 

A healthy gut is all about balance. Candida, a fungus (or yeast) that inhabits the gut and intestines, is properly regulated by good bacteria. But without balance, Candida multiplies, and your health suffers. A Candida overgrowth causes fatigue, depression, brain fog, yeast infections and/or abdominal pain. An overgrowth occurs typically as a result of stress, antibiotics or excessive sugar and refined carb consumption. 

In the initial cleansing stage, you sharply restrict your sugar and yeast intake. The strict diet stage goes further, eliminating fruit, added sugar, most starchy vegetables and caffeine. The goal is to eliminate and flush out foods that could potentially be disagreeing with your gut health. To find out what’s causing issues, the reintroducing foods stage calls for slowly reintroducing foods by group, taking note of any irritation that results and avoiding those foods indefinitely. 

At the end of it, you’ll come out with a flexible, long-term diet plan, based on your individual findings, that will keep Candida overproduction at bay. Most commonly, irritants include gluten, dairy, corn and soy.

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The Quickstart Guide to The Candida Diet (+ How It Can Heal Your Gut Issues)

Thinking of trying The Candida Diet? Here’s a guide to getting started.

 Foods you can eat:

  • Most organic, unprocessed meat, eggs and fish

  • Vegetables

  • Gluten-free grains

  • Cultured yogurt

  • Most nuts and seeds

  • Herbs, spices and oils

  • Water and herbal tea

Foods to eliminate:

  • Pork and any processed or cured meats

  • Fish (except salmon and sardines)

  • Fruit (fresh, dried, canned, juice)

  • Legumes and all soy products

  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes)

  • Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream)

  • Grains and gluten (including corn and corn products)

  • Mushrooms and truffles

  • Cashews, peanuts and pistachios

  • Peanut oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil and soy oil

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners

  • Coffee, soda, alcohol, black tea and green tea

  • Additives, preservatives, vinegars, condiments and refined products

After the strict diet phase, the above foods to avoid should be reintroduced one at a time. Pay attention to what makes you feel worse – not just physically, but mentally – and keep them out of your diet. 

What you’ll gain: A natural solution to fighting off Candida overproduction that avoids the need for medication; a healthier, unprocessed diet; and bio-individuality, which means a tailored diet specific to your needs.

What to know about the challenge: This isn’t a quick fix or a simple way to lose weight fast, it takes time and dedication. Symptoms may reappear with the reintroduction of foods, so pay attention to how you feel and be cautious. Overall, this isn’t an easy diet to stick to – no elimination diet is – so make sure you’re dedicated. 

Thinking about trying The Candida Diet? You’re in for clarity of mind, a burst of energy and overall better health. Trust your gut!

xo, Lizzie


The Candida Diet (Links to an external site.)

What is Candida (Links to an external site.)

What People Are Saying About Candida Testing (Links to an external site.)

Simple Home Candida Testing (Links to an external site.)

Dr. Whiting on Systemic Candida and Yeast Infections (Links to an external site.)

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