3 Self Care Ideas to Practice During Uncertain Times

Because all things are temporary, source your joy from the timeless center of your deeper self.

Especially in uncertain times, self care is important. Taking steps to detoxify your life and take control of your health – in turn boosting your immune system so you feel healthy and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way – are key right now. When life feels overwhelming, carving out small moments of your day to do something for you, will help you show up for those around you. 

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3 Self Care Ideas to Practice During Uncertain Times

To get started practicing self care - especially during uncertain times, use these 3 self care ideas to kickstart your own self care routine.

STEP #1 Eliminate toxins from your self-care routine

The first step is to review all of your beauty products. Remember, you want to feed your skin nutrients, not poison it. CLICK HERE for “The Toxic 12” Ingredients to avoid in your skin/beauty care products. The list explain why they are dangerous and where they can be found.

If you find any of these ingredients in one of your products at home, toss it and replace with a cleaner alternative!

When shopping for skin/beauty care products, take all of these ingredients into consideration. Read the ingredient lists thoroughly and don’t skim over words, especially the ones you can’t pronounce. Your skin/beauty care products should be made with pure, organic ingredients and should not contain any toxins that could affect your health.

STEP #2 Implement a daily breathing exercise

The next step seems simple. Breathing is something we do everyday. But incorporating a breathing practice into your day takes mental focus and commitment. Resources and external guiding practices can help.

“How to Breathe”, a book by breath-work expert Ashley Neese, will guide you through 25 breathing practices for different situations, including de-stressing and falling asleep. The Calm app helps build meditation and relaxation into daily routines through guided exercises you can listen to at home or on the go. 

STEP #3 Remember to be intentional with your time, do less, & love yourself

The last step is to be intentional with your time to create space for self-love. This has enabled me to develop and incorporate one of many loving self-care routine,  which gives me time to reflect and focus on me, my health and how I’m feeling. Essential oils are an important part of my self-care routines.

Here’s my night time self-care routine: 

  1. Brush teeth and scrap tongue. (I use this tongue scraper.)

  2. Oil pull with 1 tbsp of solid cooking coconut oil, swishing for 20 minutes. (Work up to this time.)

  3. Apply essential oil serums: combine aloe vera gel, fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, frankincense, tea tree, lavender, and lemongrass essential oils with vitamin A and E drops.

  4. Dry brush skin for 3 minutes before showering in firm but gentle strokes upwards toward your heart. (I use this dry brush.)

  5. Take a bath with Epsom salt and favorite essential oils.

  6. Apply fractionated coconut oil and favorite essential oil all over after getting out of the shower/bath.

  7. Oil cleanse face then apply favorite plant oil that calls your name at night. (I use my own oil cleanser, which you can find on Etsy.)

  8. Jade roll face before applying nightly oils. (The oils that I have fallen in love with for my nightly routine have been a either rose, neroli or jasmine . I apply these on my laugh lines, elevens, and eye lines. I use this jade roller.)

  9. Once a week, I use a microneedle roller and apply Yarrow|Pom afterward. (I use this microneedle roller.)

  10. I use an all-natural deodorant. I have made my own in the past but currently, I use Doterra’s.

    SPECIAL NOTE: No soap is used on my face, and I also ensure I am drinking half of my body weight in oz of water daily, too!

To learn more about essential oils and personal care, click here

If you feel like you don’t have time to commit to self-care... it’s because you need to take control of your calendar... I have a unique ability to continuously challenge myself while also creating environments of growth for those around me. I would love to help you get started on your journey to self care… Ready to get started? Click the link below & let’s chat!

xo, Lizzie

References: https://odacite.com/blogs/tohealthandbeauty/the-dirty-dozen-top-12-ingredients-to-avoid-in-your-skincare

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If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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