3 Secrets to Chilling Out When You’re Feeling Stressed

Did you know researchers have actually found that to some degree stress is actually good for us? In the right amount, stress can actually be beneficial for your overall health by keeping you focused, motivated, and developing a growth mindset that keeps you moving forward. However, you don’t want to consistently be under a significant amount of stress, because when you’re under chronic amounts of high stress, your body releases cortisol which leads to physical inflammation in the body and reduces your overall health.

They say the top 4 sources for stress are money, work, family responsibilities, and health concerns… can you relate? If you’re feeling quick to be agitated, irritable or a sense of feeling overwhelmed or lonely. These are key indicators of stress. Read on to learn what to do when you’re feeling stressed out & how a little bit of stress can actually be beneficial to your overall health.

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3 Secrets to Chilling Out When You’re Feeling Stressed

The key to overcoming stress is first to become aware of it. While we are never going to be able to get rid of stress completely, we can learn how to better manage our stress to lead happier & healthier lives! Stress has always been a part of my life and I’ve learned these 3 secrets to chilling out when you’re feeling stressed out over a consistent, long-term practice. However, I encourage my coaching students to start by taking baby steps to make small changes day by day to become more mindful of their emotions and develop the foundation for creating lasting change in their everyday lives. Remember, the emotions you experience in the present moment are something you can connect with and then take steps forward to create a happier & healthier life.

SECRET #1 Accept The Things You Cannot Control

The first secrets to chilling out when you’re feeling stressed is to accept that they’re are events that you simply cannot control. Accepting the fact that they’re are events and things outside of your control allows you to the focus on the things that you can control - namely your response the outside events and your ability to become aware of and process your own emotional responses. Start by learning how to practice relaxation techniques at a moments’ notice. Whenever you feel that agitation, irritability, or tension start to happen, use these relaxation techniques to calm your body down. Try deep breathing, closing your eyes and connecting with your breathe and how your body is feeling, wiggling or moving body to release the negative energy and tension building up. Personally, I like to stop and bend over and just let me head hang loose to release the pent up energy when I start to feeling overwhelming tensions.

SECRET #2 Take Care of Your Body

The second to chilling out when stressed is to take care of your body. Embracing the simple daily practices of drinking water, eating healthful meals, and daily stretching and moving your body allows you to have the time, energy, and stamina to process your emotions and manage your everyday life stresses appropriately. Don’t forget to take the time to intentionally create the space you need to get enough rest and sleep at night, as well.

SECRET #3 Don’t Rely on Drugs, Alcohol, or Other Compulsive Behaviors to Reduce Your Stress Levels

Last but certainly not least, avoid the temptation to rely on drugs, alcohol, or some other types of compulsive behavior to reduce your stress levels on a regular basis. Realize that everything happening around is just life. As a society, we’ve somehow decided that life shouldn’t be hard, but life is hard, and that’s okay. Don’t rely on something outside of yourself to reduce the stress you’re feeling inside. If you rely on these external factors to reduce the stress you’re feeling inside, you’ll soon realize that when the external factors are gone the stress is still there. Take the time & create the space you need to intentionally become aware of the thoughts & emotions you’re feeling and the stress you’re experiencing and then take the steps to proactively reduce that stress.

The next time you feel that rising tension or overwhelming feeling, use these 3 secrets to chilling out when stressed to help you relax and calm down and begin to set the foundation for building a happier & healthier life one step at a time.

xo, Lizzie

Listen to the Podcast BELOW:

Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at shifting your mindset and managing stress in your daily life. *also available on your fav podcast platform — just search “Integrated Being”

xo, Lizzie

This week’s featured essential oil: Copaiba

Get Copaiba here plus a year membership and full access to a community of educators and supporters.

Copaiba essential oil is a incredibly versatile oil that has been used for centuries. See some of our favorite ways to use Copaiba oil below:

  1. Use Copaiba oil for whole-body wellness. It can provide many incredible benefits to different systems in the body. Taking Copaiba essential oil internally can support the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, and immune system.* South Americans have used copaiba resin for the health of many of these same systems. To take advantage of these benefits, add one to two drops of Copaiba oil to water, juice, or make your own tea using warm water and honey.

  2. Use Copaiba oil to calm occasional anxious feelings. When you’re facing a stressful day ahead or feeling worried, the woody scent of Copaiba oil can help calm any anxious feelings you may be experiencing.

  3. Use Copaiba essential oil to protect and support your cells. Take one to two drops of Copaiba essential oil in a veggie capsule to take advantage of the antioxidants—the substance that stops potential damage to your cells from oxidation.*

  4. Use Copaiba oil to unwind. Diffuse Copaiba oil in your room and focus on the scent to fall into a meditative state. Or, you can also use Copaiba oil in a calming bath by adding two to three drops to body wash before mixing it in the water. ~Doterra

Another great option to get started on your essential oil journey is to sign up for a mind & mood kit or start with these three great oils Balance, Adaptiv, and Copaiba

As an author and certified life coach, I’m on a mission to empower you to embrace self-care in your physical, emotional, and spiritual life. I'm experienced in holistic health, time management, and the power of essential oils. Above all, my passion is finding ways to make people’s lives easier so they can enjoy the simple moments.

Are you ready to conquer Stress?

We all wish we had more time, and desperately need more energy. Nothing saps our energy and consumes our time more than everyday stress. And right now, there's a lot be stressed out about. 

So what can you do about it? If you feel like you're on the hamster wheel and just can't keep up, let me help you.

My 12 week online course, Road-map to Conquering Stress 101, will get your stress in check and put you back in control of your schedule, priorities and emotions.

In this course, you'll learn to build more structure into your days and weeks, to put your health first and to improve your relationships.

Get started now and get your life back – don't let the stress win!

Is Life Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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