What is Emotional Intelligence? (& How to Develop It in the Workplace)

What is Emotional Intelligence? (& How to Develop It in the Workplace)

Did you know emotions are simply ‘energy in motion’? After a year of working from home and learning to develop projects and share new ideas with colleagues through a computer screen, I’ve come to an even deeper understanding of how our emotional energy plays a huge part in creating a happy & healthy life. While initially adjusting to a work-from-home schedule with 5 children at home as well, I found myself experiencing less and less energy over time - even though I was literally sitting down all day long from 7 am to 5 pm at my computer screen. “Energy” is the capacity to do work & since energy cannot be destroyed, it involves the process of transfer from one body to another. In this week’s blog & podcast episode, I’m going to dive deeper into the emotional energy we all experience and how to develop your emotional intelligence through a simple everyday practice that will increase your level of joy and decrease your feelings of fear and frustration - even if you’re still working within less-than-ideal circumstances.

7 Life Lessons I’ve Learned About Finding Joy in Both Career & Personal Life

7 Life Lessons I’ve Learned About Finding Joy in Both Career & Personal Life

Did you know JOY can be one of the most difficult feelings for us as humans to properly process? When I think back on my life and the road that’s lead me to the level of success & joy that I have learned to obtain simultaneously, I am filled with gratitude for all the blessings that I’ve been given. I have great respect and honor for the road that led me to where I am today, and as I wrote inside my book Reflective Awareness, I feel immense gratitude to my parents for the love and support that they continuously gave me as they raised me and my two brothers.

The environment of love & growth my parents fostered for me as I was growing up allowed me to discover my inner strength while instilling in me various life lessons that have helped shape me into who I am today. These life lessons have allowed me to travel the road to success which have led me to live a life full of joy and purpose as I now work as a high-powered engineer in the male-dominated industry of engineering while simultaneously earning my doctorate degree & most importantly continuing to raise 6 beautiful children alongside my loving husband. In this week’s blog post & video episode, I want to share 7 of those joy-filled life lessons that I am grateful to have learned from my parents about finding joy in both career and personal life.

3 Tips to Use Breathing Exercises to Calm Anxiety & Reduce Daily Stress

3 Tips to Use Breathing Exercises to Calm Anxiety & Reduce Daily Stress

Becoming aware of your breathing can allow you to release anxiety & reduce daily stress in just moments. Creating a practice around finding your breath, also commonly referred to as a “breathing exercise,” is a great tool to use to help reduce the mind clutter and anxiety you feel throughout the day & instant de-stress in a few easy steps. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to use breathing exercises to calm anxiety and reduce daily stress in a few easy steps. Whether it’s the large load of laundry that needs washing, your never-ending to-do list, or simply a general feeling of overwhelm in your chest, these breathing exercise tips will help you recenter yourself throughout the day & reduce those daily feelings of anxiety and stress.

4 Step Brain Dump Practice for Reducing Daily Stress

4 Step Brain Dump Practice for Reducing Daily Stress

Feeling overwhelmed by all of the demands of your life? Try incorporating this daily brain dump exercise to become more aware of what is stressing you out, why it’s stressing you out, & how to effectively reduce your stress levels by learning to let go of what you cannot control. In today’s blog & video episode, I’m sharing my 4 step process for reducing the number of spiraling thoughts and overwhelm in your life with a daily brain dump practice below.

How to Be a Humble Person (Even If It Doesn’t Come Naturally)

How to Be a Humble Person (Even If It Doesn’t Come Naturally)

“The difference between entitlement and privilege is one that is grateful.” -Brene Brown Growing up my father always told me to “be humble” whenever I share about my recent accomplishments. As an adult I now realized how profound of an effect this had upon me a person and I want to dive deeper into exploring the concept of humility below. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 attributes of a humble person and how to cultivate humility in your own life, even if it doesn’t come naturally to you.

Ego vs Self-Esteem: 3 Differences to Know For Happier & Healthier Relationships

Ego vs Self-Esteem: 3 Differences to Know For Happier & Healthier Relationships

Ego vs Self Esteem… What’s the difference & why does it matter to developing happier and healthier relationships? In 2006, I was a newlywed and new working mother when I first learned about the difference between ego and self-esteem (& then applying the fruits of this discovery to my own life.) Upon reading the book Coming From Love by Dr. Dale Noelting, I began to understand how the ego controls your mind and how to differentiate between the fear-driven ego and love-driven self-esteem to foster happier and healthier relationships with those I love. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 important differences between ego vs self-esteem and how to use harness the power of high self-esteem to promote happier and healthier relationships.

3 Secrets to Chilling Out When You’re Feeling Stressed

3 Secrets to Chilling Out When You’re Feeling Stressed

Did you know researchers have actually found that to some degree stress is actually good for us? In the right amount, stress can actually be beneficial for your overall health by keeping you focused, motivated, and developing a growth mindset that keeps you moving forward. However, you don’t want to consistently be under a significant amount of stress, because when you’re under chronic amounts of high stress, your body releases cortisol which leads to physical inflammation in the body and reduces your overall health.

They say the top 4 sources for stress are money, work, family responsibilities, and health concerns… can you relate? If you’re feeling quick to be agitated, irritable or a sense of feeling overwhelmed or lonely. These are key indicators of stress. Read on to learn what to do when you’re feeling stressed out & how a little bit of stress can actually be beneficial to your overall health.

How to Overcome Fear by Becoming Aware of Your Thoughts & Emotions

How to Overcome Fear by Becoming Aware of Your Thoughts & Emotions

If you’re feeling a sense of unpleasant emotions that are making you sit in fear & unable to take action… then this blog post will help guide you through the process of confronting these fears and moving ahead in confidence. There’s not a one-size-fits-all program to overcoming your fears, but here’s what I’ve learned over the years about how to overcome fear by becoming aware of your thoughts & emotions …

My Why Behind My What: The Journey to Becoming Dr. Elizabeth Cook

My Why Behind My What: The Journey to Becoming Dr. Elizabeth Cook

“Why do we do what we do?” I remember being 16 when I started to babysit after school for my neighbor Rosemary and her 10-month-old son Ryan at the time. Rosemary had her PhD and was able to work from home consulting for others & was paid for it. This sounded very new and exciting to me as a 10th grader, as my Mom worked but as a nurse and away from the home. A seed was planted. I started thinking, “I want to be a Mom with a PhD and have the ability to work from home.” Here’s my story of the Why behind my What - how & why earned my PhD. And how I hope it inspires others & allows me to be an even better version of myself…

7 Simple Steps to Embrace a Positive Mindset as a Working Mom

7 Simple Steps to Embrace a Positive Mindset as a Working Mom

“Ever notice all of those thoughts that pop in your head as soon as you wake up for the day?” Sometimes these thoughts are positive, sometimes they’re negative. But you don’t have to let those negative thoughts become second nature or ruing your day. Here are 7 simple steps to turn your negative thoughts into a more positive mindset as a working mom trying to balance it all.

Why I Started Integrated Being...

Why I Started Integrated Being...

“How do you do it all?” As a loving mom of 6 & a professional working woman in the high-powered industry of electrical engineering, I’ve been asked countless times, “How do you do it all?” That’s the question that really inspired Integrated Being. I’m going to take you behind-the-scenes of why I started Integrated Being & what you can expect to get out of every blog post, email, course, or podcast episode you listen to from me here.

4 Steps to Embrace Holistic Health & Wellness for Beginners

4 Steps to Embrace Holistic Health & Wellness for Beginners

As a society we spend $6.3 trillion dollars per year on global healthcare, but are we really any healthier? The modern approach to healthcare is to simply treat the symptoms and that usually means ignoring the root cause of underlying stress and disease. I want to propose a different approach that addresses the root cause and realigns yourself with the energy you need to show up as the best version of yourself. Today on the podcast, I’m sharing 4 simple steps to embrace holistic health and wellness for beginners…

3 Simple Habits to Reset Your Day When You’re Feeling Stressed Out

3 Simple Habits to Reset Your Day When You’re Feeling Stressed Out

Did you know you an average of 300 decisions every single day? That means that at some point in your day, you may be feeling slightly overwhelmed as you struggle with decision fatigue. Don’t let those emotions get the best of you, tune in to today’s podcast to learn 3 simple habits to reset your day when you’re feeling stressed out & life throws you curve balls you weren’t planning for… Read on to learn more & then make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode below for a more in-depth look at shifting your mindset and managing stress in your daily life.

3 Easy Steps to Detox Your Home for Cleaner Air & Better Health

Did you know the air inside your home is typically 2-5 times more toxic than the air outside?! In today’s podcast episode, I’m breaking down 3 easy steps you can take to reduce your environmental toxins in your home for cleaner air & better health for you and your family! Read on to learn more… & then make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode BELOW for a more in-depth look at detoxing your home! *also available on your fav podcast platform — just search “Integrated Being”


3 Easy Steps to Detox Your Home for Cleaner Air & Better Health

STEP 1: Bring Real Plants into Your Home (& Get Rid of Faux Plants)

Let’s start detoxing your home for cleaner air and better health by bringing in real plants, and ditching those expensive fake ones — which can collect dust and reek havoc on your overall health. This one simple step will not only improve the air quality inside your home, it also helps foster an environment of growth, reduce stress, and make you feel calmer and happier.

STEP 2: Eliminate Any Potent Fragrances in Cleaners

You may not know that those good-smelling conventional cleaners you’re using are actually full of toxic chemicals (that’s what gives them that fragrant smell)— many of these chemicals are known as allergens, hormone disruptors, asthma triggers, neurotoxins, and carcinogens — not things we want polluting the air inside our homes. Bottom Line: fragrances are highly toxic! Instead try using natural cleaners like baking soda, vinegar, hot water, or essential oils. BONUS: try to eliminate candles, air fresheners, and dryer sheets (the most toxic household cleaning product!) in your home as well!

STEP 3: Look into High-Efficiency Air Filter System for Your HAC

Last but not least, do a little research and make sure your heating and air conditioning system is helping create cleaner air and therefore better health for you and your family. You’ll want to make sure you have an HAC system with a filter installed that is known to filter out pollen, mold spores, dust, dander, and smoke particles in your air.

Listen to the Podcast BELOW:

Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at detoxing your home! *also available on your fav podcast platform — just search “Integrated Being”

xo, Lizzie

This week’s featured essential oil: Purify

Purify is a doTERRA essential oil blend composed of select essential oils known for their cleansing, purifying, and protecting properties. This special blend is a household must-have as it can eliminate odors in a natural way, free of harmful chemicals. It can also be used as a cleaner for countertops and various surfaces. When used throughout the home, its light, herbal aroma will quickly dissipate potent and foul odors and help cleanse the air. Purify also contains protecting properties that can protect against environmental threats. This essential oil blend is an ideal natural product that will add to any cleaning cabinet.  Learn more about the Purify DoTerra Essential Oil HERE… & purchase Purify HERE!

Is Life Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

10 Time Management Tips to Become a Better Problem Solver

Be wary of making assumptions about a situation that you know little about

Our time is one of our most valuable assets.

It should be carefully guarded and spent wisely. That’s easier said than done. Every day there are new challenges, unexpected requests, and other matters of life that can get in the way. Then we have to make decisions and face problems that need solving. The ability to solve problems can directly affect how you manage your time. This makes problem-solving a critical skill: not only are you facing down and overcoming the issue at hand but when you’re efficient, you’re guarding your time. Efficient problem-solving means a better handle on your time management.

Problem-solving isn’t just an ability, it’s a mindset. It drives you to bring out the best in yourself and to maintain clarity in your direction. But solving problems is frenetic – no two problems are the same. How do you become an effective problem solver? First, you need to be both systematic and logical. Here’s 10 time management tips to help you become a more efficient problem solver & make the best use of your time.

10 Time Management Tips to Become a Better Problem Solver

  1. Create specific, measurable goals with clear end results.

  2. Schedule important work for the hours you feel most energized.

  3. Prioritize what’s important and postpone what can wait.

  4. Delegate tasks – you can’t and shouldn’t try to do everything.

  5. Reward yourself – it’ll keep you happy and motivated.

  6. Schedule self-care regularly — yoga, massage, meditation, etc.

  7.  Save easy or boring work for lower-energy periods.

  8. Break down big tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks.

  9. Batch tasks: Allot time periods for what you need to do.

  10. Take breaks when you’re feeling stuck or drained - go for a walk, eat a snack, etc.

When you have the tools in place to solve problems as they come (which these 10 tips will help you do!), you’ll maintain control over your schedule and most importantly, your time. Throughout the day, anything can be thrown your way that you didn’t expect – what matters is how you respond to it. With the right mindset (& time management tips), you’ll find the strength to face problems head-on and with integrity, rather than letting them suck your time and cause you to spiral. 

xo, Lizzie

This week’s featured essential oil: Pink Pepper

In addition to the right mindset, equip yourself with the right resources. DoTerra Pink Pepper oil can help you stay alert, fight grogginess and brain fog that’s just a part of life. Learn more about the Pink Pepper DoTerra Essential Oil HERE… & purchase Pink Pepper HERE!

Is Life Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

7 Secrets to Finding Joy As a Working Mom

7 Secrets to Finding Joy As a Working Mom

Try to gain insight on what triggers you to react rather than respond thoughtfully

What makes me run? First, recognize this: There is no simple solution or secret to creating an easy life for yourself. We are all going to face challenges and find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and unfocused. If we keep searching for ways to make life easier, we’ll be disappointed. Instead, we need to create moments of joy each day. But how?

The key is to constantly ask yourself questions to find out what makes you tick, what your daily pain points are, and most importantly, where you find your joy. Once you find your joy - what drives you - you can structure your days around it. Then, delegate, deal with, or let go of the rest.

How I Make It All Work as a Working Mom:

Gut Health: What is your Microbiome? (Probiotics vs Prebiotics)

Gut Health: What is your Microbiome? (Probiotics vs Prebiotics)

The gut is the seat of all feeling. Polluting the gut not only cripples your immune system, but also destroys your sense of empathy, the ability to identify with other humans.

Be careful not to be so attached to your opinions that you aren’t open to hearing other perspectives… Gut health is a critical aspect of our overall well being, but it can be difficult to understand. It all starts with the microbiome, which is made up of billions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The microbiome is a core component of our digestive health, and a healthy gut has a positive ripple effect. Gut health can improve our moods, our immune system, and our weight goals.

How to Practice Self Reflection & Learn from Uncomfortable Thoughts

How to Practice Self Reflection & Learn from Uncomfortable Thoughts

Now, more than ever, we need to be having the hard conversations, asking the tough questions, and sitting with uncomfortable thoughts. But doing so requires thoughtfulness. At the same time that we’re probing difficult concepts – like our own implicit bias – we need to make sure we’re tending to our relationships and our own self-care. So where do you start?

Begin by understand your own thoughts and feelings…

Goal Setting: 5 Tips to Help You Focus on the “Big Rocks” of Your Life & Achieve Your Dreams

Goal Setting: 5 Tips to Help You Focus on the “Big Rocks” of Your Life & Achieve Your Dreams

Try to gain insight into what triggers you to react rather than respond thoughtfully.

“I want to move up in life, but I’m so busy.” “I have an idea of how I want to progress, but I can’t prioritize.” Does this sound familiar? Whether it’s getting a degree to get further in your career or improving your personal health and wellness routine, it’s important to have goals. It’s equally easy to believe there’s no room in your daily routine to add the steps necessary to work toward something new. If we let it, life can stand in the way of achieving our goals.

3 Steps Daily Gratitude Practice to Feel Happier & Healthier

3 Steps Daily Gratitude Practice to Feel Happier & Healthier

Forgiveness opens the path to greater freedom. The busier we are, and the harder we push ourselves to achieve our next big goal… & the easier it is to forget to stop and appreciate what we already have in front of us. That’s right – when you’re preoccupied by what’s to come, you fail to be grateful for what you’ve earned.

Gratitude is essential to keeping us grounded. Without gratitude, negativity can creep in. Why don’t I have what someone else has? When will I ever reach my goals? These thoughts prevent us from being grateful, and instead keep us jealous and bitter. Taking a moment each day to be grateful for everything that’s happening in your life, and everything you have will give you the positivity you need to keep moving forward.

If you’re not yet convinced, listen to the experts. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.