Why I Started Integrated Being...

“How do you do it all?” As a loving mom of 6 & a professional working woman in the high-powered industry of electrical engineering, I’ve been asked countless times, “How do you do it all?” That’s the question that really inspired Integrated Being. I’m going to take you behind-the-scenes of why I started Integrated Being & what you can expect to get out of every blog post, email, course, or podcast episode you listen to from me here.

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Why I Started Integrated Being…


I'm on a mission to help you feel empowered in your efforts to embrace self-care in your physical, emotional, and spiritual life. My hope is that you'll find my guidance is simple, attainable, and designed to elevate your self-confidence by promoting a mindset shift that creates lasting change in your everyday life. I'm excited to go on this journey together and help you fulfill your deepest desire to feel both peace and success - at the same time.

After working as an electrical engineer for over a decade while simultaneously starting a family with young children, I began on a quest to discover what it was about my work and my family life that made me quite literally want to skip across the parking lot to go to work. I realized it really came down to two things. I’m going to share these two things below in hopes of inspiring you to find your own path to joy in both your professional and personal life.


KEY #1: A career and company that allows me to feel SEEN & HEARD

I was fortunate enough to land a job at a company that empowered me to feel both seen and heard as a new working professional right out of college, even though I had no prior experience. The company culture and the team with which I worked helped foster a growth mindset that allowed me to simultaneously produce great results and enjoy my work.

KEY #2: Coming from a place of SERVICE in both my professional and personal life

I always come from a place of service and helping others in everything I do, whether that be my job as an electrical engineer or in my role as a mother. Coming from this place of service was mirrored in the team I worked with early on in my career & it is something I strive to put into action and inspire in the current team I now get to lead. I hope to inspire an atmosphere that empowers, teaches, and encourages a growth mindset both in the team I lead at a work and for you as readers of my blog and listeners of my podcast.

I hope these tips & everything you read from Integrated Being inspires you to embrace self-advocacy and create a life that feels simpler, easier and allows you to enjoy the present moment.

Listen to the Podcast BELOW:

Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at shifting your mindset and managing stress in your daily life. *also available on your fav podcast platform — just search “Integrated Being”

xo, Lizzie

This week’s featured essential oil: My FOUR favorites

Bergamot, Patchouli, Balance, and Adaptiv. Get all four here plus a year membership.

Bergamot essential oil is unique among citrus oils due to its ability to be both uplifting and calming, making it ideal to help with anxious and sad feelings. It is also purifying and cleansing for the skin while having a calming effect. Italians have used Bergamot oil for years to reduce feelings of stress and to soothe and rejuvenate skin.

Patchouli is easily recognized for its rich, musky sweet fragrance. Patchouli is beneficial to the skin in many ways and is a great companion Bergamot. It is often used topically to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and minor skin imperfections and to promote a smooth, glowing complexion.

The warm, woody aroma of doTERRA Balance Grounding Blend creates a refreshing environment. We perfectly blend Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile with Fractionated Coconut Oil to offer an enticing fragrance that creates a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere. Spruce, one of the oils in doTERRA Balance, was used by Native Americans for health and spiritual reasons and is still used today to bring harmony to the mind and body.

When stress and tension seem to be relentless, Adaptiv Calming Blend is the precise solution. Use Adaptiv to help get comfortable with new surroundings or situations. When a big meeting is coming up, or for other important events, keep Adaptiv Calming Blend on hand. Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, and Sweetgum provide stress-relieving effects while Wild Orange and Spearmint energize and uplift. Copaiba and Rosemary soothe anxious feelings to round out the calming blend. Whether you’re feeling fatigued or restless, indecisive or irritable, Adaptiv Calming Blend is part of the toolbox to help the body and mind to stay balanced.

Is Life Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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