How to Be a Humble Person (Even If It Doesn’t Come Naturally)

“The difference between entitlement and privilege is one that is grateful.” -Brene Brown Growing up my father always told me to “be humble” whenever I share about my recent accomplishments. As an adult, I now realized how profound of an effect this had upon me as a person and I want to dive deeper into exploring the concept of humility below. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 attributes of a humble person and how to cultivate humility in your own life, even if it doesn’t come naturally to you.

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How to Be a Humble Person

(even if it doesn’t come naturally)

What does it mean to be humble?

I believe a humble person is teachable, realizes that they don’t know everything, and is willing to learn from others. A humble person embraces a growth mindset and is willing to be open to change and hearing differing viewpoints to become an increasingly better version of themselves. A humble person is grateful, patient, and willing to ask for and accept help. As a mother of 6, a full-time working professional and working towards my doctorate, I have had to ask for help in doing it all, and I was not afraid to ask.

Why be humble?

Have you ever met someone who relaxes you?... Your heart beats slower and opens up and feels the presence of the energy of the other person? The energy that vibrates high in regards to joy is abundant when you’re with the type of person & I believe that is why humility is good. People who are joyful and peaceful don’t acquire this by accident. They do the work as a life-long journey, and I believe cultivating humility is one of those life-long pursuits worth working towards every day.

3 Signs of Cultivating Humility in Your Own Life

If you want to see positive changes in your relationships or feel stuck in a rut, here are 3 ways to foster humility in your own life.

  1. You enjoy making others happy. You put other people before yourself, and you love to share a smile with others. You never know what someone else is going through, and that smile may be just the thing that lifts their spirits and helps them believe in the good again.

  2. You don’t believe that life owes you anything. A humble person doesn’t subscribe to a victim mentality and instead remains grateful for all they’ve been given as a gift. Remain grateful for each day’s goodness and start to see the fruits of humility grow in your life.

  3. You see everyone as equal. A humble person is aware of the thoughts and judgments they have of those around them, especially those they love. The humble person doesn’t see themselves as better or worse than anyone else, but instead feels encouraged by being a part of a larger team. We are all on our path and should seek to follow our Inner Guide to bring ourselves happiness, and by doing this, we help to encourage others on their journey to happiness as well.

Use these 3 ways to cultivate humility to inspire you to take a step back from the busyness of everyday life and seek to cultivate an intentional ability to foster humility in your relationships. Then watch how this humility transforms your inner peace and joy while bringing happiness to all those around you, too.

xo, Lizzie

Listen to the Podcast BELOW:

Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at shifting your mindset and managing stress in your daily life. *also available on your fav podcast platform — just search “Integrated Being”

xo, Lizzie

This week’s featured essential oil: Neroli

Get Cypress here plus a year membership and full access to a community of educators and supporters.

Use the Neroli to promote relaxation and reduce low emotions. Roll on chest, back of neck, behind ears, or on spine to reduce feelings of anxiousness. It has shown to support overall well-being and sleep quality. Another quick an easy application for a quick reset, roll on temples, back of neck, or brain stem to reduce head and neck tension.

Another great option to get started on your essential oil journey is to sign up for a mind & mood kit or start with these three great oils Cypress, Lavender, and Frankincense for a great ego kicker when needing the support.

As an author and certified life coach, I’m on a mission to empower you to embrace self-care in your physical, emotional, and spiritual life. I'm experienced in holistic health, time management, and the power of essential oils. Above all, my passion is finding ways to make people’s lives easier so they can enjoy the simple moments.

Are you ready to conquer Stress?

We all wish we had more time, and desperately need more energy. Nothing saps our energy and consumes our time more than everyday stress. And right now, there's a lot be stressed out about. 

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