4 Tips to Achieve Better Focus in Life

Are you trying to accomplish a goal that requires your full attention? As we transition to a more regular pace of life & find our footing in a post-pandemic world, it’s easy to feel pulled in many different directions. From going in to work or working from home to sending children back to school again soon, our focus is a powerful tool we can harness during this transitional time to bring a greater sense of joy and peace to our lives. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am talking about how to keep your focus on achieving your goals while creating a flow in life that brings the greatest sense of joy. From moments of setting intentions to handling distractions, let’s get focused and bring a greater sense of presence to your everyday life.

4 Tips to Achieve Better Focus in Life

TIP #1 Set Boundaries with Social Media & Information Overload

Avoid the all-too-tempting distractions that social media sites give us by endlessly hooking our focus with the refreshing & scrolling of our screens. If you find yourself getting caught in this distraction often, remember that these sites are created to keep your attention & it’s an active choice you get to make to set healthy boundaries for yourself.

TIP #2 Sleep is a Powerful Factor for Focus

Take the time to make a routine around your sleep habits to get the adequate amount of sleep needed at night to achieve the highest level of focus that you desire during the day.

TIP #3 Foods Affect How We Feel & Focus

Try going 5 days without processed food & on day 6 indulge in your favorite treat and observe how your energy levels & focus are affected within the hours after eating.

TIP #4 Connect with Those You Love While Being In Nature

Create an atmosphere of play in your regular routine by connecting with those you love while being in nature. This playful environment naturally creates a state of flow that carries into your everyday life.

Tune in to the podcast episode below to dive deeper into these 4 tips for achieving better focus below!

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie