3 Steps to Reset & Reach Your Goals

Did you know that I read every book recommended to or given to me as a gift? As an electrical engineer, a wife, a mother of 6, and a wellness advocate, I find myself in a time of stepping back and reassessing my life in various areas. And I was presently surprised when I was recently gifted a book called The ReFounder by Patrick Colletti after speaking at the Pittsburgh Technology Council about net zero innovation and grid modernization needs.

This book is based on a Pittsburgh company and a point in the founder’s life where he, too, was stepping back and reassessing his life and career.

Chances are you are at this point in your life in some capacity where you are looking to step back and assess some specific area of your life.

Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 steps to reset and reach your goals. We are all integrated mind, body, and spirit & it can be beneficial to take seasonal breaks to step back, reassess, and move forward with renewed energy and focus to reach our biggest dreams and goals.

3 Steps to Reset & Reach Your Goals

#1 Step Back & Take a Hard Look

Whether it’s your career, your personal health journey, or even your kitchen, start by stepping back and taking a somber look at it. Take notice of what is & what your reality is in this area before moving ahead.

#2 What’s Broken?

Next, ask yourself, “What’s broken?” “What can you do about it to simplify your life?” As you identify the broken areas or places for change, door forget to also ask yourself, “What are my dreams? What do I need to change to put myself on the path to reach those dreams!” Get honest with yourself and take time to complete this step before moving forward.

#3 Spring Into Action

Finally, it’s time to take action! After you’ve taken the time to set out those actionable steps to reach your goals in step 2, it’s time to spring into action. Start. Begin. Take action. Dream big & don’t let fear stop you from taking that first step closer to reach your goals.

Use these 3 steps every week, every month, or every season to step back, reassess, and move forward into action that will lead you closer to achieving those big dreams and goals while creating a life filled with moments of joy and fulfillment along the way.

Tune in to the podcast episode below to dive deeper into this 3 step process to reset & reach your goals.

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie