3 Steps to Practice Intentional Living for Greater Purpose & Joy

What if you woke up everyday with a strong foundation that allowed you to live your life as your authentic self? We all start at different places in life and have different goals and motivations that drives us to dream, work, and live life in a certain way. No matter where you are on your journey, it’s important to live your life with intention in order to achieve the things you desire while cultivating a true sense of peace and joy within your life. Understanding what makes you want what you want & identifying your why is a powerful motivator for creating the lifestyle you truly desire, and that takes time & intention to cultivate. As I look forward to the rest of this year & look ahead to the many years ahead, I feel called to share 3 of the foundational practices I do on a regular basis that allow me to live my life with intention & simultaneously achieve my desire for continued growth & ultimate peace and joy everyday. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 3 steps to practice intentional living to help you achieve both purpose & joy at any stage of life.

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3 Steps to Practice Intentional Living for Greater Purpose & Joy

Living an intentional life is a powerful way to find deeper purpose & create more moments of joy in your everyday life. Here are 3 simple steps to help you get started practicing intentional living.

STEP 1: Being Motivated By Your Goals

Start by identifying your goals & work backward to determine the why behind those goals. It’s important to find that connection with those small moments in each day that bring great joy and make your goals align with those moments of joy. It’s not is not about the competitive aspect of “winning the race”, but rather the why behind why you started to work towards those goals in the first place.

STEP 2: Use Systems & Structure to Beat Self-Doubt

We often find ourselves in a place in life where we don’t want to be because our goals have become hijacked by fear, pressure from the opinions of others, or self-doubt. Begin to combat this self-doubt by establishing systems and structure to your days that allow for greater joy and leaves white space for the natural mishaps and hiccups that life throws at us from time to time.

STEP 3: Set Your Intentions for the Day/Week/Month

I use the Inner Guide Planner to connect with my intentions on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis to live my life with more intention. This habit of checking in with my goals and daily intentions has allowed me to create better clarity and focus around my days & ultimately, get into a flow of realizing if what I’m doing is connecting with my why & my Inner Guide that speaks to the joy I want to bring into my life not only for me but for those around me.

REMEMBER: There’s no need for special journals or planners to achieve a more intentional life. Simply grab a notebook & pen and begin the process of tuning into your Inner Guide and living more intentionally this week!

Listen to the Podcast BELOW:

Make sure to tune in to today’s podcast episode for a more in-depth look at building a more intentional life one step at a time.

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts…

Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie

This week’s featured essential oil: My FOUR favorites

Bergamot, Patchouli, Balance, and Adaptiv. Get all four here plus a year membership.

Bergamot essential oil is unique among citrus oils due to its ability to be both uplifting and calming, making it ideal to help with anxious and sad feelings. It is also purifying and cleansing for the skin while having a calming effect. Italians have used Bergamot oil for years to reduce feelings of stress and to soothe and rejuvenate skin.

Patchouli is easily recognized for its rich, musky sweet fragrance. Patchouli is beneficial to the skin in many ways and is a great companion Bergamot. It is often used topically to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and minor skin imperfections and to promote a smooth, glowing complexion.

The warm, woody aroma of doTERRA Balance Grounding Blend creates a refreshing environment. We perfectly blend Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile with Fractionated Coconut Oil to offer an enticing fragrance that creates a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere. Spruce, one of the oils in doTERRA Balance, was used by Native Americans for health and spiritual reasons and is still used today to bring harmony to the mind and body.

When stress and tension seem to be relentless, Adaptiv Calming Blend is the precise solution. Use Adaptiv to help get comfortable with new surroundings or situations. When a big meeting is coming up, or for other important events, keep Adaptiv Calming Blend on hand. Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, and Sweetgum provide stress-relieving effects while Wild Orange and Spearmint energize and uplift. Copaiba and Rosemary soothe anxious feelings to round out the calming blend. Whether you’re feeling fatigued or restless, indecisive or irritable, Adaptiv Calming Blend is part of the toolbox to help the body and mind to stay balanced.

Is Wellness Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Wellness Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Wellness Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what wellness coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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