4 Keys to Embracing Change & The Art of Transitioning (Even When You Didn’t Expect It)

Life has a way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect them. We make plans and set goals and create dreams and sometimes things don’t go as planned. It can be fascinating to realize how quickly things can change, but when doors close the right actions and mindset can open new, beautiful doors. Today on the blog & podcast, let’s explore the art of transitioning and 4 keys to embracing change even when you didn’t expect it. 

4 Keys to Embracing Change & The Art of Transitioning (Even When You Didn’t Expect It)

#1 Resiliency

Harness the ability to bounce back from setbacks by continually developing and cultivating a growth mindset. Plan, create, and build out the tools necessary so that you have the ability to jump back in when things don’t go as planned. Aristotle famously said, “You learn by doing.” Learn from failures and keep taking action. This echoes the lessons from my mother, who instilled in me the power of finding magic in each moment and living by 'Carpe Punctum'—seize the moment.

#2 Adaptability

The only constant in life is change. Be open to this reality and adjust your goals when needed. Find new paths when others close by unlearning behaviors from the past that no longer serve you and relearning new ways of being. This adaptability is about creating habits around resilience, learning to shift gears quickly, and maintaining a vision even in times of uncertainty.

#3 Self-Reliance

Community is valuable, but only you have the ability to take action. Believe in your abilities and set your own course by taking responsibility for your life. This mirrors the upbringing my father provided, making me a student of life and embracing a growth mindset, always encouraging me to be self-reliant and positive.

#4 Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is essential to navigating a transition smoothly. Develop an awareness of your emotional state and focus on finding the opportunity in the challenges you face while maintaining trust that all will be well. It's about creating habits that foster a relentlessly positive outlook, turning obstacles into opportunities.

3 Books to Read on Embracing Changes & the Art of Transitioning

Book 1: The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday

Book 2: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Good Gut: by Carol Dweck

Book 3: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie