8 Ways to Foster Joy & Connection in Life (Regardless of Your Circumstances)

The last 6 months have triggered a lot of change for myself and my family. As I’ve shared these changes with my community, I’ve been asked a series of similar questions, all wondering how I've managed to stay grounded amidst the changes and find joy and connection throughout the journey. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 8 ways I’ve fostered joy and found a connection in life, regardless of the changing circumstances. Within 5 days I changed my job and bought a new home because I was able to stay aligned with my values and develop the continual awareness to see when things needed to be changed. The 8 ways listed below will create a lifestyle that aligns yourself with your ambitions and equips you to tackle the challenges that life brings in your path.

8 Ways to Foster Joy & Connection in Life

(Regardless of Your Circumstances)

#1 Accepting or Embracing Oneself

Acknowledge life is a journey and you don’t need to have all the answers, whether financial or time and energy. Before you make a move in the right direction. Allow yourself to open up to the possibilities ahead of you while maintaining presence in the current moment.

#2 Cultivate a Growth Mindset 

See challenges as an opportunity to grow, not as only hardships or as allowing yourself to fall victim to the “why me?” mindset. Allow unforeseen challenges to propel you into becoming even more of an effective leader for yourself and those around you.

#3 Mindful Movement 

Connect with a community around mindful movement. Whether walking or spin classes and a type of strength training, this allows you to connect to your body and improve your mood and physical health.

#4 Power of What We Put In Our Body

Embrace nutrition focused on one’s longevity. Not being mindless about what you're eating but looking at food as a way to nourish your body and embrace healthy eating as a way to expand your world rather than restricting it.

#5 Digital Detox

Crowd out the overconsumption of technology by embracing a different habit you want to increase your life, such as reading books.

#6 Journaling for Clarity

Daily journaling can help you stop the spiraling of thoughts to process emotions, set intentions, and visualize your goals.

#7 Continuous Learning

Being engaged in something from a course or class allows you to see that the role that you sit in does not need to be your forever role.

#8 Nature Connection

Whether your weather is sunny and warm all year or not, you can find the clothing and perspective to see the outdoors as a welcoming place even with the varying conditions to ground oneself by being in nature every week.

3 Books to Read to Find Joy & Connection

Book 1: Super Attractor: Methods For Manifesting A Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Book 2: The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith by Gabrielle Berstein

Book 3: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie