Integrated Being Class Offerings


Facebook Live

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Be sure to friend me on Facebook. I will stream live Thursday Evenings. Sharing the Power of Essential Oils and the Joys of Self-Care.

With a growth mindset, plants, and love - who knows what we can do together!?!

We have never lived in a greater time of access to the information and tools that we need to live a long, healthy life. And yet that can also feel overwhelming when there are so many approaches and claims out there.

Are you ready to take the reins of your own health and wellness and give your mind and body the attention it deserves.

Zoom On-Line Class

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We will be covering a range of topics over the next few months and I hope to see all your glowing faces at some point during the year. 

The classes will be based around embracing Essentials Oils to aid in building a foundation towards a self-advocacy approach to your health - we will also discuss the power of healthy habits and mindset as well!

I look forward to building a community and providing the support and education to all that wants to understand the power of our own bodies and the gift of plants and how this enables us to live our life to its fullest.

Personal Consultation

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Want Support In Creating Your Healthiest, Happiest Life Ever?  

There is so much I want to share and offer! I will be your wellness advocate and provide you specific resources that will make your experience using essential oils even more beneficial.

My number one priority is to offer the education and support you need to support you and your health and wellness goals.

Let’s talk!

Schedule a complimentary coaching consultation call with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about!

Find All the Class Notes Right Here: