How Your Self-Talk Creates Your Own Reality

What is self talk & why does it matter? I’ve read (& re-read) a few books recently linking the power of journaling with how we talk to ourselves. I was reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer while sitting next to my 9 year old son while he was being quite negative. While reading this book about the consciousness of our thoughts that speak to us all the time - whether it’s telling us we’re hungry or cold or should fret - I used this opportunity to teach my son about how the negative energy he was putting off may be affecting him. As you can imagine he got quite frustrated, but this highlighted a deeper importance in why self talk matters and how it affects the way we show up in the world. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am going to highlight 3 ways your self talk creates your own reality.

How Your Self-Talk Creates Your Own Reality

Over the years, I’ve created a journaling practice for putting my thoughts on paper & experienced the power of the connection this practice gives in aligning my self talk with my beliefs. What we believe really determines our attitude, affects our overall emotions, directs our behavior, and sets us up for success or failure in anything.

STEP #1 Awareness

In the The Whole-Brain Child by Dr Daniel J Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson, one of my favorite books not only for raising and connection with my children but in realizing the power of our thoughts in creating our life, I discovered the reason that journaling allows me the ability to focus to find my path to create the levels of success I desire. But it all starts with the beliefs and journaling helps you to become aware of, develop, and align more fully with these beliefs. Take the time to become aware of your current beliefs, even if they are negative right now.

STEP #2 Recognition

In the book What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter, he teaches how our programming & how we show up everyday begins with our beliefs and then a chain reaction occurs… a thought creates an emotion which energy is motion (which is all around us which is us) then creates a physical response and then we take action. Start this process off in the right direction by directing your focus away from negative talk and away from statements such as “I need to…” and “I should…”

STEP #3 State the Belief

Your beliefs will affect your relationship with your body, your relationships with your family, your colleagues, and your friends. It will affect how you show up for work, for yourself, and for others. After your become aware of your current beliefs and shift your negative self talk, it’s time to state your new belief as if it’s already your reality by using statements such as “I no longer…” or “I never…”

What you believe in ultimately creates an attitude that leads to certain actions that determines your levels of success or failure. Firstly talk to yourself using “I am…” statements to powerfully embody the identity you desire.

What you say about yourself becomes your reality.

“I am a leader” “I am a good mom” “I am healthy & energetic”

If you walk through your day with your beliefs set and your vision present, you can show up with a self talk that allows you to be the best version of yourself each day.

Tune in to the podcast episode below to dive deeper into these 3 steps for embracing the power of self talk to live your best life.

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie