5 Truths I’ve Learned About Creating Better Habits

Are you becoming the type of person you want to become? When I reflect upon the themes I share on the Integrated Being podcast and blog, I’m always struck by the importance of creating habits around the ability to be present in each moment of the day. I’ve found that having a reset each day at the end of the day allows me to wake up excited to live the next day. Once you experience that type of energy each morning, your desire for it continues. Our habits are the foundation for building happier, healthier lives, but creating better habits isn’t always as simple as it sounds. If you’ve ever struggled to stick with a new healthy habit or get rid of an old unhealthy one, this episode is for you. Today on the blog & podcast, I’m sharing 5 truths I’ve learned about creating better habits & how you can use these truths in your life, too.

5 Truths I’ve Learned About Creating Better Habits

#1 Breaking Habits Into Smaller Parts

There is immense power in breaking habits into small, micro, atomic-level habits to set yourself up for success. This is a lesson I first learned from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits.

#2 Create a North-Star-Type Vision

You will fail to reach your goals & create supporting habits without creating a north-star-type vision of who you want to be & what you want to become to guide the creation of these new habits.

#3 If You Fail, You Are Not the Problem

If you find yourself failing to stick with a new habit, you are not the problem. Your systems are the problem & creating systems that properly set the foundation for your habits and ability to reach your goals is key.

#4 It Takes Time

Little changes will compound and eventually add up to big changes, but it takes time. Allow yourself the time to grow and see the changes take place and take hold in your life. If you can’t get yourself to consistently wake up an hour earlier to workout, try starting with just 15 minute increments.

#5 Remember Who You Want to Become

If you have a solid, bigger vision of who you want to be, it’s easier to handle setbacks and plateaus. Don’t forget to keep your end goal of who you want to become at the forefront of your mind each day.

Tune in to the podcast episode below to dive deeper into these 5 truths for creating better habits & to hear more personal stories and examples of how I’ve implemented the power of habits into my own life recently.

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie