3 Steps to Check-In & De-Stress After A Hard Day

What do you do after experiencing a “hard day”? The type of day where tough feelings of anxiety, fear, and overwhelming frustration set in when the day doesn’t go as planned… perhaps the kids aren’t listening, the dog got into the garbage, or you had an argument with your spouse. If you’re not checking in and de-stressing after an overwhelming and hard day, then you’re missing an opportunity to reset, learn from your experiences, and prepare for better days ahead. You may not be able to control the actions of the people or the series of events that happen throughout your day, but you can control your response to these things by taking intentional time to process your emotions and identify ways to improve your responses in the future. Today on the blog & video episode below, I am going to share 3 tips to check-in & de-stress after a hard day that will allow you to decompress & prepare for better days ahead.

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3 Steps to Check-In & De-Stress After A Hard Day

Stressful days are going to happen - that’s simply a part of life. We may not be able to control everything that happens in our day but we can control how to choose to process, learn from, and then grow into a better version of ourselves after experiencing hard days.

STEP #1 Realize Overwhelming Thoughts & Emotions Will Always Be There

Hard days are unavoidable, as are the overwhelming thoughts & emotions that accompany them. Our job is not to eliminate these thoughts and emotions completely, but to learn how to properly connect with and process them properly. Don’t beat yourself up for having these overwhelming thoughts & emotions, but focus your energy on connecting with, learning from, and then releasing them to prepare for better days ahead.

STEP #2 Release The Stress & Allow These Tough Thoughts & Emotions to Pass Through You

Whether you’re in the heat of a stressful moment or you’re processing a stressful day at the end of the day, take a moment to release these thoughts & emotions and recognize that you are not your feelings. It may even be helpful to repeat to yourself, “I am not my feelings.” This will enable you to calm down, de-stress, and give yourself the grace to know it’s okay to mess up at times - that’s simply a part of life.

STEP #3 Identify The Possible Triggers to Prepare For Better Days Ahead

We may not be able to control certain events from happening (like the dog getting into the garbage or our kids not listening), but we can work to identify what our most stressful triggers are for these hard days and overwhelming thoughts & emotions. While we cannot eliminate these triggers from our life (because that’s simply a part of life), we can learn from these triggers and be prepared to respond differently the next time. Ask yourself what some of the triggers were for these stressful thoughts & emotions through your day. Did you forget to eat breakfast? Did you not get enough sleep? Was there a stressful conversation you had with a loved one?

For me, its calling my children down for dinner that’s a big trigger for overwhelming thoughts & emotions. While I have 5 children at home (a 2,7,10,13, and 14 year old), it’s no easy task to get them all to the dinner table on time when the food is ready. However, recognizing this is one of my triggers, I am able to better prepare myself for this time of day and work to find new, innovative ways to handle this stressful situation and improve upon my response to this trigger by changing how I think about this situation in advance.

BONUS: If you’re in the middle of a stressful hard day & you have a moment to yourself, try using the Serenity essential oil blend to enhance your body’s natural ability to slow down, calm the mind, and process your stressful situation accordingly.

REMEMBER: These tough feelings are not who you are, they are just moving through you and simply something you need to process, learn from, and allow yourself to prepare for better days ahead.

Listen to the Video BELOW

Make sure to tune in to today’s video episode for a more in-depth look at checking -in and de-stressing after a hard day to prepare for better days ahead.

xo, Lizzie


Listen to the Video:

This week’s featured essential oil: Serenity

Get Serenity + Copaiba Sleep Kit here plus a year membership and full access to a community of educators and supporters.

Adding to its growing list of scientific publications, the doTERRA research group recently published another study—and this one is a little unique. First, while most of the previous studies involved the biological activity of essential oils, this one investigated sleep quality and one of doTERRA’s newest and most popular dietary supplements. Second, it was a human clinical trial conducted here at the doTERRA global campus, with our own employees as the participants. doTERRA Serenity Restful Complex Softgels were released at convention 2016, as doTERRA saw a need to address one of the most undervalued aspects of lifelong health and vitality: sleep.

The Need for Sleep

Sleep quantity and quality are associated with almost every metric of health and well-being. Recent scientific research has provided an almost endless amount of data regarding the importance of sleep and health. The meeting recommended sleeping guidelines and having good sleep hygiene is associated with increased quality of life and prolonged health. It is also directly associated with decreased risk for many health problems. (1) Adequate sleep has been shown to positively influence nutrition and exercise habits and have a direct impact on weight management. (2) And, for the more than 25% of U.S. adults not meeting generally recommended guidelines for sleep and over 9 million regularly using products to help with sleep, improvement in this area is one thing that could make a big difference in their lives.3

Although there are many commercial options and an increasing amount of herbal and natural alternatives, little research has been done regarding their safety and efficacy. While there is clinical and experimental research to suggest that consumption of the individual components of doTERRA Serenity Restful Complex Softgels (Lavender essential oil, L-theanine, lemon balm, passionflower, and chamomile) may aid in several parameters of sleep quality, what was really needed was human clinical data on the finished product. 

Another great option to get started on your essential oil journey is to sign up and read the full article here.

(1) https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/science-research-news-doterra-research-introduction

(2) https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/science-wellness-sleep-lavender-l-theanine

As an author and certified life coach, I’m on a mission to empower you to embrace self-care in your physical, emotional, and spiritual life. I'm experienced in holistic health, time management, and the power of essential oils. Above all, my passion is finding ways to make people’s lives easier so they can enjoy the simple moments.

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Is Life Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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