3 Easy Ways to Move Your Body Everyday to Exercise & Change Your Mind

Do you move your body everyday? Your body loves movement! The impact of moving our body is something we are all familiar with hearing on an almost daily basis. Whether it’s 20 minutes per day of body weight movements or a lunchtime walk, we all know we should be moving our bodies more… but how do we begin? In today’s blog post & video episode, I’m sharing 3 easy ways to move your body to exercise and change your mind. Use these 3 quick tips to begin moving your body everyday and challenge yourself to stick to a simple routine. Soon you’ll see both the physical and mental health benefits are more than worth it!

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3 Easy Ways to Move Your Body Everyday to Exercise & Change Your Mind

It’s easy to get caught up in the latest fitness fad or movement trends, but i challenge you to simply MOVE your body for 20 minutes per day. What do you enjoy? Bike riding? Yoga? Lifting weights? Taking your dog for a walk? Whatever it is, start there and then use these 3 easy ways to incorporate that physical movement into your daily routine.

#1 Start Your Day Off With Movement

Wake up 20 minutes earlier tomorrow & begin your day with simple movement. Starting your day off by moving your body will bring a new amount of energy that you forgot you even had!

#2 Make Use of Break Time or Lunchtime At Work

Use the time you have during periodic breaks throughout your work day or on your lunch break to go for a walk or incorporate simple movements int your day. Something as simple a a walk or a few light stretches will do wonders for both your body & your mind.

#3 Use Negative or Stale Energy As a Reminder to Get Moving

When you find yourself with negative or stale energy throughout the day, use this as a reminder to get your body moving and work out those negative emotions through simple movements. Moving your body can be the boost you need, because movement helps to transfer that stale energy and frustration to positive energy and release it.

REMEMBER: If you’re new to daily movement, simply start with walking! Begin fueling your body from a place of gratitude & you will begin to create a sense of vibrancy you’ll never want to lose!

xo, Lizzie

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Listen to the Video:

This week’s featured essential oil: Deep Blue

**Whether you work out a few times a week or practically live at the gym, Deep Blue Rub is definitely a product you want to keep in your gym bag. The soothing elements of this cooling lotion are just what you need post-workout. Heavy lifting, intense running, or arduous workouts can leave the body with some discomfort in the hours and even days after exercise. But with Deep Blue Rub on hand, you can soothe any trouble spots while simultaneously moisturizing the skin.

Take a look at the Deep Blue® line, and chances are you might be surprised by the number of ways that this blend is offered. So, which one do you need in this moment? Learn more by reading what each product is made for below:

Two Basic Options

Two choices in the Deep Blue line that have been popular from the beginning are the original oil blend, the Deep Blue Soothing Blend, and Deep Blue® Rub. While both are meant for soothing the body, each has a different appeal.

Deep Blue: The Original Blend

The 5 mL bottle of Deep Blue Soothing Blend contains quite a few essential oils. These include Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus oils.

This is your best option when you want a more intense way to soothe tired muscles after exercise or a long day. It is a useful part of the AromaTouch® Technique because of its immediate tingling and warming effect on the skin. We recommend using it for more intense soothing of the body than any other version. We also recommend diluting it with Fractionated Coconut Oil to your level of comfort. If you would prefer to keep the blend off your hands, you also have the option to purchase it in a 10 mL roll-on.

Deep Blue Rub: The Athlete and Massage Therapist’s Friend

A long-time doTERRA favorite, Deep Blue Rub contains all the oils found in Deep Blue with the addition of Eucalyptus leaf oil and other moisturizing ingredients. It delivers the oils in a rich topical cream with the added benefit of being moisturizing. Like the blend itself, putting Deep Blue Rub on your skin will give you a comforting sensation that is both cooling and warming.

If you already love the blend, the rub is an excellent way to utilize it. The cream gives you the ability to cover a larger area in a way just as powerful, but a little less strong than Deep Blue oil on its own. If you do want a more intensive treatment, you are welcome to apply the Soothing Blend to your skin first, and then layer the Deep Blue Rub over the top of the area. It is also available in sample form for traveling, or a 32 ounce pump version convenient for massages.

Other Products

  • If you have sensitive skin or children, the doTERRA Deep Blue® Touch is a roll-on diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil for safe and easy application.

  • For the internal benefits of the Deep Blue line, look no further than the Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex. While you can’t take the Deep Blue oil blend internally, the complex gets its name from the benefits it brings that are similar to the essential oil blend.


Is Wellness Coaching right for you?

If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Wellness Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Wellness Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what wellness coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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