How to Start a Daily Journaling Practice (& What to Write)

Do you really write in your journal everyday? What do you write? I was recently asked these questions & I want to answer them for you. The short answer: yes, I journal everyday. No, I don’t always write the same thing nor do I just write a recap of my daily life. The idea of journaling and implementing it as a daily practice can be very intimidating. I want to break it down for you, because while I started daily journaling back in 2015, it was really only in the past couple of years that journaling became the main way I process the emotions I experience on a daily basis & continue to develop a growth mindset while finding my joy in everyday moments. Today on the blog & podcast episode, I’m sharing how to start a journaling practice & what to write to optimize your time and energy when beginning this transformative self-care practice.

How to Start a Daily Journaling Practice (& What to Write)

#1 Understand Why

The power of understanding our emotions as a state of being (which journaling helps you unpack) allows us the ability to sit in both positive emotions as well as negative emotions and flow through these varying emotions while maintaining a sense of presence amidst the ups and downs of our everyday lives. Journaling will allow you to get to know yourself on a deeper level & this brings awareness and peace to your daily life.

#2 Focus on Gratitude

The practice of daily journaling helps us “flip the switch” and maintain a growth mindset. One big part of coaching at Integrated Being is being in a growth mindset by focusing on gratitude. Whether you simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed or struggled to get your kids out the door or were let down by someone you trusted, you don’t have to stay in that stressful emotional place all day long and journaling helps you recognize these occurrences as they are happening.

#3 Begin

When you’re ready to begin your first (or any) journaling session, try this process to align your mind & body. Stand tall, as if you’re pulling an invisible thread from the top of your head & strengthen your spine. Chest up, chin down & breathe deeply. Ask yourself, “What is the best version of myself?” and then begin writing.

#4 Keep It Simple

You won’t feel motivation to journal everyday & that’s okay, just don’t let it stop you from committing to this transformative self-care practice. Keep it simple & on days your motivation is fading, aim to journal at least 5 things you’re grateful for that day. Whether a random list of the first five things that pop into your mind or an intentional list of 1 thing per each bucket of your life (for example, health - work - relationships - daily moments - simple pleasures).

I also like to journal 10 dreams for my life as 10 things I’ve accomplished as if they’ve already happened. I make sure to journal 5 things I’m grateful for & 10 dreams I’ve accomplished everyday.

Tune in to the podcast episode below to dive deeper into the habit of daily journaling & get more ideas of what to write each day…

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie