How to Find the Right Workout Routine For You

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Stay focused on your personal journey.

Good exercise is one of the best, most valuable gifts we can give our body. Especially as we’re spending long days inside, taking time to move helps stimulate not only your body but your brain as well. Exercise lets you energize, de-stress and change your outlook. A renewed perspective and dose of endorphins is particularly important right now.

Everyone needs exercise. When it comes to finding exercise that’s right for you, it helps not to overthink. Doing what makes your body feel good is enough to guide you. But that doesn’t mean exercise isn’t hard work – it takes consistency, and what matters most is that you’re building the right habits. In addition to exercise, eating right and drinking enough water forms a strong and stable foundation for health. Essential oils should also be core to any exercise and diet regime.

They’re versatile enough to promote healthy activity and recovery: I use Doterra’s Deep Blue oil blend to soothe tired muscles and sore joints.

That said, everyone’s body is unique, and different forms of exercise will serve you differently. Bio-individuality is the concept that no exercise routine, diet or lifestyle is right for all people. What makes someone feel their best might make someone else too quickly fatigued; a diet that serves one person perfectly might lead to weight gain or bloating for someone else. This also means that as you change, your lifestyle might need to change with you. According to the Institute of Integrated Nutrition, factors to consider when determining what works for your bio-individuality are lifestyle, occupation, geographic area, available resources, body type, age, culture, and religion. (IIN)

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How to Find the Right Workout Routine For You

When putting together your own workout routine, there are signs that certain practices are or aren’t working. 

Look for exercise that is:

  • Balanced 

  • Consistent

  • Safe

  • Challenging but not taxing

  • Fun!

Avoid exercise that is:

  • Unaligned 

  • Too consuming

  • Too vigorous

  • Exhausting

  • Not challenging enough

  • Boring 

I’ve found that yoga and regular interval training work well for me. Interval training is known to slow the aging process, increase the growth of brain cells, prevent type two diabetes, burn fat and help you to lose weight. Yoga, meanwhile, is restorative and centering – a meaningful practice that helps you de-stress and center yourself. I recommend Yoga with Adriene, who offers free yoga classes on YouTube.  Here’s one of my favorites.

What matters most is that you find an exercise and diet routine that works for you. When something feels right, you’re more likely to stick to it. Ready to find a regimen that feels good? Let’s book a time to talk!

xo, Lizzie

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If you’re still feeling under it all and overwhelmed by everything life is throwing your way right now, it may be time the perfect time to look into working with a Life Coach… Maintaining a healthy diet, finding the right balance with your body, detoxing your home, and staying on top of family, work and life demands is not an easy trail to navigate. I’m here as a Life Coach to help you sort through all of the information that’s out there and make a plan that’s relevant to you and your specific lifestyle wants & needs. Want to learn more about what life coaching can do for you? Click the link below to schedule a 15 min chat to learn more…

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