10 Life Lessons That I've Learned as a Female in a Male-Dominated Field

Have you ever taken time to sit back & reflect on how you arrived at your place in the world? I recently had the opportunity to reflect upon my career as an electrical engineer in a male-dominated industry. I was asked to speak to an educational panel as well as an emerging class of engineering students at the university level. Upon reflecting upon my career as a successful electrical engineer, earning my doctorate degree, & thriving as a wife and other of 6 children, I compiled an insightful list of 10 life lessons that I want to share with you today. In today’s blog & podcast episode, I am sharing these 10 life lessons that I’ve learned as a female professional and a working mother in the male-dominated industry of electrical engineering.

10 Life Lessons That I've Learned as a Female in a Male-Dominated Field

#1 Recognizing “I Can Be Anything.”

Believe that whatever you set your mind to be, you can accomplish.

#2 Keeping Your Agreements

If you say you’re going to do something, show up and follow through.

#3 Learn to Sit in Silence Comfortably

Growing in the awareness that silence and solitude can bring to your thoughts is essential to keep your peace amidst the noise & craziness of life.

#4 Stay Humble

Recognize the power of being humble even when sharing your greatest accomplishments.

#5 You Don’t Have to Know Everything

Surround yourself with people who know different things than you & learn to collaborate and continuously learn.

#6 Prioritize Confidence & Self Belief

If you struggle with self-confidence, do the work to realize where that lack of confidence comes from and grow in self-belief.

#7 Power of Taking Deep Breathes

When in moments of frustration, taking a deep breath can reset your mind & allow you to center and focus again.

#8 Stepping Into My Career As A Profesional

Upon receiving a degree you are a professional, step into your first job with confidence & take responsibility for your actions.

#9 Walk With a Purpose

Identify & find your purpose whenever you’re walking to and from anywhere.

#10 Helping Others Brings Happiness

Realize that we are all part of a larger community & helping others bring happiness and joy to everyone around you.

Tune in to the podcast episode below to dive deeper into the life lessons that I’ve learned through crafting an intentional, joy-filled life as a wife, working mother of 6, and a female electrical engineer working in a male-dominated field.

Listen to the podcast episode below:

Thank you for listening in and reading along… I would love to hear your thoughts… Join the conversation & send me an email at elizabeth@integratedbeingllc.com. I look forward to connecting with you & going on this journey of life together.

xo, Lizzie